As Expected, Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Refuses to Cooperate With Senate Judiciary Committee – IOTW Report

As Expected, Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Refuses to Cooperate With Senate Judiciary Committee

CTH: Adam Waldman is the lawyer/lobbyist for Oleg Deripaska, the Russian billionaire who appears to be a key background player in the 2016 DOJ/FBI scheme against presidential candidate Donald Trump.  Additionally, Waldman represents the U.S. interests of Christopher Steele, author of the Clinton-Steele Dossier that was used by the DOJ/FBI during their scheme against presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Waldman was also the person in contact with corrupt Senate Intelligence Committee vice-chairman Mark Warner early in 2017 when the ‘insurance policy’ was deployed against newly elected President Donald Trump.  As discovered in text messages, Waldman was the liaison, the person providing plausible deniability, between Senator Warner, Christopher Steele and Oleg Deripaska.



As many people are now aware, the SSCI is the most corrupt committee apparatus within congress; and as noted in the text messages, Adam Waldman only wanted to work with the Senate Intelligence Committee on his endeavors.

However, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has requested testimony from Mr. Waldman surrounding his contacts and engagements throughout the 2016/2017 operation to undermine and remove President Donald Trump.  In a response letter released today (full pdf below) lawyers representing Mr. Waldman are trying to keep their client from forced testimony; and it appears likely he is remaining outside of the country to avoid being captured in the investigative net.  MORE

5 Comments on As Expected, Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Refuses to Cooperate With Senate Judiciary Committee

  1. If this guy is a key witness in government wrongdoing how the hell can he evade a demand to appear as a material witness? Serve him with a subpoena and if he ignores it up the ante to an arrest warrant for contempt of Congress and demand his extradition.


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