As If His Words Aren’t Gross Enough – IOTW Report

As If His Words Aren’t Gross Enough

Obama has started to develop a facial tic that is pretty gross. He usually reserves it for when he’s faux crying, but now he’s doing it all the time – rolling his tongue around and smacking his lips and sticking his tongue out.

We get it, you miss Reggie.

This was all in the span of a few minutes at one speech.

59 Comments on As If His Words Aren’t Gross Enough

  1. He looks like a cow chewing her cud.
    He’s either chewing on the next set of lies he’ll be spitting out of his pie-hole
    OR —
    He’s contemplating the next thing he’ll be sucking down on at the bathhouse after the speech.

  2. Early tardive dyskinesia, perhaps? It’s a fairly common side effect from the use of high-dose or long term antipsychotic medications. It’s something to do with the anti-dopaminergic effects, but I forget the details. There’s also one of the gastric motility/anti-emetic drugs that has the same effect.

  3. It’s a’s also a tell.

    Anyone want to chime in with what he was saying directly after, or what statements he was listening to while he was telling? Mind you, my curiosity is only mild. I could not possibly care less what he does, proclaims, signs or who he calls while he plays puppet theater. Really.

  4. There have been theories that he’s a junkie for awhile. This is more proof. He’s reaching the constantly dehydrated stage. He has to constantly lick his lips and wet the inside of his mouth.
    IMO The dude’s riding the horse with no name. That thing in his book about wanting to try heroin and then backing out at the last second is nonsense. He tried it and still uses it. Most likely he just smokes it he’s probably not mainlining it ….yet.

  5. Please ‘splain something to me. Is “coke mouth” when you’ve rubbed Peruvian marching powder on your gums and use your tongue to redistribute it, or is this a leftover habit from doing that so much?

    He looks awfully calm to have the real stuff in there in this clip.

  6. Around this part of Big D it’s called meth mouth but his jaw isn’t getting stretched out every few seconds like they do.

    You will see their black teeth at some point. They can’t help it.

  7. Medically speaking this looks like” tardive dyskinesia “. Neuro damage from drug abuse. Commonly manifesting after age 50 in individuals with a long history of heavily abusing psych Meds generally, and Antipsychotic Meds more specifically.
    It’s an uncontrollable involuntary tic due to nerve/brain damage from the drugs.

    Grows progressively worse with time, and is often a precursor symptom for Dementia. Alzheimer’s and other cognitive damage.

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