As If We Didn’t Despise Madonna Enough – IOTW Report

As If We Didn’t Despise Madonna Enough

The hag wraps her nakedness in the American flag and tweets it as if she is being “patriotic.”

She’s idiotic.

24 Comments on As If We Didn’t Despise Madonna Enough

  1. “I have thought…a lot…about blowing up the White House.”

    Nasty woman. She can’t be forgotten soon enough. Unfortunately her damage to the culture will take a generation to undo.

    I hope she survives, forgotten and penniless, long enough to see this country turn and revile everything she represents.

  2. That morning, Xi saw the ugliest person he’d ever come across. She was as pale as something that had crawled out of a rotting log. Her hair was quite gruesome; long and stringy and white, as if she was very old. She was very big – you’d have to dig the whole day to find enough food to feed her. Although it was a hot day, she was covering her body with skins that looked as if they were made from cobwebs. She was doing strange and magical things,

  3. Too late to add how completely she ruined the movie version of “Evita”?

    Like everything she touched. But especially Evita.

    May she die, bleeding out from every one of Megan Kelly’s orifices.

  4. Rufus

    The wife and I attended a showing of Evita on stage at Geary Street theater the very night the Falkland Island conflict started. Weird. The play was damn good. The movie sucked.

  5. I didn’t think by the Fourth of July she could have completed all those free blowjobs she had promised voters. What a hard-working All-American beauty she is! (double sarc)

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