As If we needed another reason to know that the Baldwins are douchebags – IOTW Report

As If we needed another reason to know that the Baldwins are douchebags

Fatphuck blowhard moron, Alec Baldwin, has a wife who’s been pretending to be Spanish when she is just a girl from Cambridge, Massachusetts.

This is typical of the left. They think America is bad, so these psychos pretend not to be American.

Fatso came out on social media and defended the indefensible (she admitted she’s been faking) and said that the media “is lying.” lol

He said, “consider the source.”

“The sources” are your people, you dumphuck.

24 Comments on As If we needed another reason to know that the Baldwins are douchebags

  1. Alec Baldwin? I have heard that name before. Give me a minute to remember. Oh, yeah, the a**hole who has abused women, used the “do you know who I am” card and been a general d***. Also, a B grade actor (will give him a little leeway)

  2. How much you wanna bet this dumb cunt got called out by someone who speaks fluent Spanish as a primary language and easily figured out she wasn’t a native speaker, and, therefore, the accent was just flat out stupid?

  3. IMO, I’m sure the other NY trash that associate with them will comfort her. We all know the real crime here is calling some liberal bitch out on their lies.
    Her punishment. An army of beady eyed kids with Alec Baldwin. Yech.

  4. The litmus test on this BS is counting up the number of toilets she (personally) cleans, beds she makes and rooms she vacuums on a weekly basis.

    Not so fun being Mexican in Hollywood. And these a$$holes use illegal labor, not because they have kindred feelings toward them, but because they’re total miserly dicks who would rather spend their money on day spas where illegals give them a sugar scrub, a personal chef (who is also here illegally), a swimming pools (that are cleaned by illegals), and whoknows-what-else, than pay an actual living wage and pay their employment taxes to the state/feds. But they’ll sure as hell vote for someone else to provide welfare dollars to them!

  5. …and it goes without saying, but it bears repeating: Grown ups who pretend to be something they’re not have, at the very least, a severe form of personality disorder. Crackers.

  6. Sp……Spain isn’t White?

    I’m at a loss here. Are the journalists confusing Spain with Mesiko? Speaking Spanish means you’re a person of color?

    :rereads unibomber manifesto:

  7. Spain’s been a shithole since 1588.
    A nation of might-have-been and never-was.
    They so reviled commerce that they refused to engage in it – thus they became the crapper of the world. The fukkin ragheads ruled em for about 700 years before that and the people of one province can’t understand the language of another.
    A country always looking back – never forward.
    Kind of sad, really.
    Why would anyone pretend to be one of that? Dumb – really dumb.

    izlamo delenda est …

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