As If You Need More Proof That Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a FullOfShitNik That Cares More About Popularity Than Science – IOTW Report

As If You Need More Proof That Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a FullOfShitNik That Cares More About Popularity Than Science

What a moron.

Who would he be offending by saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen”?

12 Comments on As If You Need More Proof That Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a FullOfShitNik That Cares More About Popularity Than Science

  1. He just answered the question he proposed to Bill Maher, “Why won’t you do comedy at universities anymore?”

    Well probably because you can’t say Ladies and Gentlemen anymore, no thanks to your dumbass Neil, by catering to the crazies.

  2. Well, limiting myself to stating the obvious, DeGrasse has turned into a literal fat head.

    Also, DeGrasse is greener over the septic tank, for obvious reasons. (Thank you, Irma Bombeck.)

  3. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure” –
    Meanwhile the signer holds both hands out forming a cupping motion, then grabs his crotch, then shakes his left fist up and down…

  4. This reminds me of Supertramp’s “Logical Song”. I know back then, they probably meant it as anti-conservative establishment. But it’s perfect for anti-liberal establishment ideas as well.

    “Then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable
    Oh, clinical, oh, intellectual, cynical…”

    Loved their music BTW.


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