As Obama orders women in combat, look what we discovered about female Army Rangers – IOTW Report

As Obama orders women in combat, look what we discovered about female Army Rangers

AllenBWest: Remember that infamous statement by then-Senator Barack Obama, “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming America?” Everyone let out a frenzied cheer — well, now we’re witnessing what that transformation entails.


For example, the response for the heinous Paris Islamic terrorist attack was a conference on climate change, which Obama believed would send a rebuke to terrorists. And now, we have another Islamic terrorist attack in America, in San Bernardino, and the response is all about gun control.

Obama stated yesterday, “we’ll make it harder for individuals to access weapons” — question, which individuals? There seems to be a fantasy world in which President Obama resides that has little to nothing to do with truth and reality. And so it continued yesterday with this little tidbit about our military.  more here


16 Comments on As Obama orders women in combat, look what we discovered about female Army Rangers

  1. Malaria and Stash jumped up and down and cried until daddy would allow them certain front-line combat jobs. Surely they want to protect the homeland priority number one.

  2. As with all America-hating liberals like odumbo, there is always a secret agenda designed to undermine our country. The very definition of treason. Gotta love the crickets in complicit congress.

  3. We’ll just see how they feel when they reestablish the draft to include women from 18-25! And how many fathers (I would if my daughters were of draft age) stand up and tell the gubmint, you ain’t taking my daughter away to serve as cannon fodder, ever.

  4. Eh, look on the bright side. Imagine the tremendous mind – fuck a jihadist would get if he’s charged by a female soldier who’s wearing something other than a burka. Second later, the dumb fuck is killed and immediately finds out that there is no basis for the “72 virgins” myth.


  5. One of my daughters finished National Guard boot camp before she even graduated from high school (she’s working on her masters in criminology now). But she didn’t join to be equal to fighting men, she was a medic with an IED removal squad in Iraq — right in the shit.

    And no, I did not want her to go there. We talked about breaking her leg so she wouldn’t have to go. She did very well over there, but that’s not always the case.

  6. Mission accomplished: I have successfully transformed America with the help of the demorats and rinos . And there ain’t a damn thing you’all can do about it. And if you’all think Trump is goin’ to save you folks, well we’ll scuttle his wagon when the time comes

  7. Leftist don’t care if U.S. daughters and mothers are captured, molested, impregnated and slaughtered in heinous ways by ISIS. It’s the collateral damage the left expects in order to control and destroy this great nation.

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