As the GOP Hedges on the Chance To Oust GOP Hating IRS Head They Scratch Their Heads and Wonder “Why Trump?” – IOTW Report

As the GOP Hedges on the Chance To Oust GOP Hating IRS Head They Scratch Their Heads and Wonder “Why Trump?”

THIS is why Trump exists.

Gateway Pundit-

Rep. John Fleming, R-La., authored the impeachment effort alongside Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan.

House Republican leaders were cool to the impeachment idea.

So Fleming and Huelskamp engineered four articles of impeachment and tucked them into a special resolution designed to bypass the House GOP brass. The maneuver would compel the House to vote up or down on impeaching Koskinen. Some Republicans considered options to kill the effort through parliamentary maneuvering.

Fleming reveled in the outcome.

“This never would have happened without our efforts to bring this issue to the forefront,” crowed Fleming. “However, if regular order is not followed through, we still reserve the right to bring up a privileged resolution again in November and go directly to a vote.”

That could happen later. Impeaching the IRS Commissioner is red meat for the GOP base. But for now, House Republican leaders dodged a conundrum which would have exposed fissures in the party immediately before an election.


The GOP can’t even muster up the onions to impeach a corrupt IRS chief that laughed in their faces.

21 Comments on As the GOP Hedges on the Chance To Oust GOP Hating IRS Head They Scratch Their Heads and Wonder “Why Trump?”

  1. What does our mad dog prosecutor, trey gowdy have to say about this? That worthless camera hound sent me a fund raising letter yesterday. It’s a good thing I didn’t actually send my response, I’d be in trouble today.

  2. This guy strikes me as one of the most arrogant, condescending BASTuRDS in Washington. What I mean is, for the most part, they pretty much all are but this guy is…… Time to clean all the slimy scum out of the Federal Government.

  3. Well, if the Republican Grand Viziers want to insist that all Republicans are together – a bundled, package deal – I think voters will agree. I don’t think that means what the Grand Viziers think it means – but that’s probably why I’m not a Vizier.

  4. They’re spending one hell of a lot of tax payer money on these charades. Nothing has or is going to happen. The public should demand they stop these hearings until we get a change of leader ship.

  5. Those who get paid together stay together. The critical question is “by whom?” Sometimes you think there is no way back from Corruption in Congress and all government until it is swept into the rubble pile and we start over. The shitpickles should have known their dirty laundry would be hung on the fence of public viewing sooner than they thought. Well, the fat lady sang as the twin cankles collapsed. NWO intelligentsia had to go into emergency session with many a WTFs?? Someone send in their aperitifs laced with that pesky derivative, please.

  6. Agreed, no point in continuing the ant parades before the CongressCritters until the White House changes residents, the DOJ AG is jailed and a real attorney general is named, and the FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA, and Pentagon brass are all led by honest CLEAN agents, not the dirtbags on the take from the NWO, Soros, and the Clinton Cartel.

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