As They Bravely Ran Away – IOTW Report

As They Bravely Ran Away

Vallejo Police: Help Identify Coughing Robbery Suspect

Benicia, CA – Vallejo police are asking for public help in identifying a robbery suspect who intentionally coughed on retail employees in late March.

The Valley Police Department responded to the incident around 6:07 p.m on Friday, March 27 at a store in the 900 block of Admiral Callaghan Lane.

According to store employees, the female suspect concealed merchandise and exited the store without paying. When uniformed and plain clothes loss prevention employees from the store confronted her outside, she intentionally coughed in their faces.

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11 Comments on As They Bravely Ran Away

  1. Did they ever catch that chinese woman who touching all the computers in stockton? There are all kinds of things going on in the world and all we get is blah, blah, blah about how bad Trump is handling the wuhan flu.

  2. …”Bravely Ran Away”, heh?

    “Bravely bold Sir Robin
    Rode forth from Camelot.
    He was not afraid to die,
    Oh brave Sir Robin.
    He was not at all afraid
    To be killed in nasty ways.
    Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin.
    He was not in the least bit scared
    To be mashed into a pulp.
    Or to have his eyes gouged out,
    And his elbows broken.
    To have his kneecaps split
    And his body burned away,
    And his limbs all hacked and mangled
    Brave Sir Robin.
    His head smashed in
    And his heart cut out
    And his liver removed
    And his bowls unplugged
    And his nostrils raped
    And his bottom burnt off
    And his penis
    “That’s, that’s enough music for now lads, there’s dirty work afoot.”
    Brave Sir Robin ran away.
    Bravely ran away away.
    (“I didn’t!”)
    When danger reared it’s ugly head,
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.
    (“I never!”)
    Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.
    (“You’re lying!”)
    Swiftly taking to his feet,
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!”
    -Monty Python, “Brave Sir Robin”

  3. …I’ve known a lot of “Loss Prevention Officers”, which is fancy for “Security Guards” over the years, and I can share a little here to illuminate the situation.

    There’s three basic types of security guards: young people who need a job bad, old people who are marking time and keeping busy in retirement, and frustrated police wannabes. They all have strengths and weaknesses, but one thing they ALL share is shitty pay (often NO benefits and NO paid time off, either) and NO authority outside of vague “Citizens Arrest” powers.

    (There used to be another category, “Off-Duty Actual Police”, but most businesses decided they were too expensive, so mostly not a “Thing” now).

    Type 2, the frustrated cop, MAY actually put up with a spitting and even some battery to physically detain someone because he’s trying to impress the REAL cops that will arrive later, but he’ll most likely ALSO do something stupid, illegal, or both in TRYING, and your business will get sued, DOUBLE in THIS case with a Black woman, if he’s White. This is why they try NOT to hire them, or fire them quickly when they find they are like that. Obviously not the case here.

    The aspiring college student making some car and date money wants nothing to DO with Senora Spits. They aren’t interested in non-existent glory, just a puny paycheck, and the size of that check doesn’t really lend itself to purchasing a lot of risk, or touching a lot of gross. In this group, if you TOLD them to “Sieze Her!”, they’d most likely simply quit. Lots of other low-rent jobs out there for young people.

    The old people are probably laughing at this point, because they’ve seen a lot and done a lot, and a woman threatening some saliva doesn’t rank up with that time during Tet when their position got swarmed by people who were trying VERY hard to KILL them, or even to the level of the bum at the off ramp who was pissed they didn’t want to “pay” for the grimy rag they passed over their windshield, making it bleary in the process. Plus, they are also not stupid and don’t want to end up on the news for rolling around on the floor with a crazed Black woman, AND don’t need the EXTRA risk of disease or damaged joints from physical restraint, AND also can get shitty pay somewhere else fairly easy, IF they even NEED it. They’re not gonna stop her, EITHER.

    …plus, if you, the securty guard, DID step up, you WILL be smothered in cries of racism, probably accused of sexual assault, AND thrown under the bus by everyone from your erstwhile employer (“erstwhile” because they IMMEDIATELY fired you to protect themselves) to the local Mayor, to the business that hired your guard company…you get the idea. Arresting Black Woman Bad.

    PLUS, you will probably go to jail as a liberal interpretation of the “Citizens Arrest” statute by a Democrat DA up for re-election will likey “find” you guilty of assualt and battery, wrongful imprisonment, even “Hate” crimes (I GUARANTEE she’ll claim you said “niger” whether you did or didn’t, and if you’re White, you’re guilty), PLUS she’ll probably get a CIVIL judgement taking all your videogames while you’re away being butt-raped by Bubba, so again, the risk isn’t worth the reward.

    And don’t count on being exonerated by cameras, either. Many of them truly do not work, and that ambitious DA will make sure those that DO work are either inadmissible or “never found” or “don’t show the right angle”

    …so the guards backing off was actually pretty rational in hindsight. Anything else, COVID or not, they would have just screwed themselves, and for pretty crappy pay, too…

    …There’s actually a FOURTH type, “Genuinely Mentally Handicapped People Hired Because They’re Easy To Screw Over”, but that gets up into actual abuse of the handicapped and a lot of other angry stuff, and this is too long already…

  4. …there’s a lot of security guard things I could tell you about that I saw from the perspective of an interested observer, but a couple of them stand out for me just because they’re the more fun ones that didn’t have any tragic consequences.

    One was, we were responding to the gigantic mall that was half in our jurisdiction and half in another cities’ jurisdicion for a reported car fire in the parking garage, which was actually in the other cities’ district. This didn’t really bother us that much because you tend to familiarize yourselves with the abutting districts for mutual aid purposes such as this (they were already out somewhere else, so WE were closest), and because the mall was so brand new and shiny and expensive at the time, we had of course done a LOT of joint training exercises with them and we knew THEIR part just as well as they knew OUR part, which was pretty darn well.

    well, the security guards at the time were pretty hyped, because the place had ORIGINALLY been planned as a RICH people’s destination shopping mall, and they had a LOT of HIGH END stores in it initially, plus the place itself was a gigamillion dollar investment, so they actually, unusually for a shopping mall, had equipped them well and trained them quite a bit, but apparently incorrectly as they were too big for their britches as you will soon see.

    And this guy was VERY sure that the incomimg fire engine would need him to lead the way, since they weren’t supposed to cover that side. HE had a scanner TOO, so HE knew it was a Mutual Aid run.

    …Well, he met us at the entrance, beckoned us to FOLLOW ME, and we did, to a point.

    That point being the entrance to the parking structure. You see, while his li’l green-lit fake squad car fit handsomely into the apeture, a multi-ton fire pumper filled with hundreds of gallons of water and MUCH to high to clear the sign was NOT going to fit, and we had hose packs for the purpose of connecting to an internal fire piping system in the garage, and the engine’s role was to merely dump the crew and hose packs, then go charge the fire lines outside the structure.

    No one told Herbert Hero about this, though, and he was INCESED that we were disobeying his ORDERS, and started to dress the lieutenant down about it.

    …happily at the time, we had LEO respond with us on a fairly regular basis, ususally more to rubberneck than anything else, but they were WELCOME guests because situations sometimes arose, and this was one of them. Not having time to screw with Discount Barney Fife, the Looie called for PO, who peeled him off and tried to explain the situation to him.

    All they got for their trouble was a high volume, “I’M A POLICE OFFICER, AND THIS IS MY JURISDICTION”.

    Not sure where he picked THAT up, but NEITHER of those things was true, and ACTUAL Police Officers don’t like posers taking their name in vain, and have a number of laws about that very subject.

    So, when it became evident that he wasn’t going to listen to reason, they instead enthusicatically invited him to experience REAL Police procedures such as handcuffing, and gave him a ride in a REAL Police car to a REAL Police station where, I presume, the differences between REAL Police officers and security guards were discussed in great detail.

    I don’t really know as the last I saw of him was his animated jaw in the back of a cruiser and I had better things to do, but I know that SOME things the Police are sensitive about, and this was ONE of them, so I doubt they were inviting him to the Policeman’s Ball.

    The other one I know less detail of, because I was just a garage mechanic in a different shopping mall when a part of it I wasn’t in was visited by ardent jewelry thieves.

    Like many malls of the era, this mall, while not set up as high-dollar as the previous one, was at the zenith of its fortunes (they had just added a second floor, business was SO good), and was handsomely equipped with not ONE, but MULTIPLE, jewelry stores. This attracted the attention of some folks who didn’t have jewelry, but DID have Uzis, or something that VERY much LOOKED like Uzis, at a time when they were pretty well-known for putting down Middle Eastern shenannigans and were talked up a lot in the media, so everyone knew what they looked like.

    Well, these gents strolled into the mall with them discreetly hidden (one of the benefits of the Uzi was it was pretty concealable in even a moderate jacket in some configurations), and stepped into one of the jewelry stores and asked to see the expensive stuff. When the case was unlocked, out came the Uzis and the fun did begin.

    Someone in the store, possibly the robbee as they likely had “duress” alarms, triggered the silent alarm, and mall security responded ahead of the Police. This august branch of the constabulary consisted chiefly of snappily uniformed teenagers wielding the mighty power of Mace, and they swaggered to the scene, apparently expecting either a false alarm or some idiot with a pen knife, as was pretty much the scope of the prevous assaults on the ramparts, and were well-prepared to deal with both.

    The Uzis, then, were a bit of a surprise, measured agaist that expectation, and were pointed security guardwise with dispatch upon their arrival.

    I saw some security footage later, which was none of my damn business becasue I was just a garage mechanic for an anchor store, but I knew a guy who could show me a great cover shot that estblished just how fast Mace-equipped security guards could backpedal until abrubtly turning and running pell-mell in different directions, none of which were towards a phone or a security station (pre-cell phone days, I know, incomprehensible, but it’s so).

    The Uzis were long since vamos by the time the Police showed and I don’t know if they were ever caught, becasuse the guards didn’t tell the Police what THEY saw real soon as the Police had some difficulty finding the GUARDS. They looked with some earnest becasue they didn’t know if they were injured or anything, but ne’r a shot was fired (no need, and that’s why I do not know if they were ACTUAL Uzis) and one was in a stairwell and another was under his car in the parking lot, and took considerably more time to find.

    …and again, I can empathize. Discretion is the better part of valor, when you get $3.35 an hour (mimimum wage at the time) and are in a Mace Vs. 9mm weapon situation. I would not blame any teenager, past, present, or future, in surrending someone else’s jewels under such circumstances, even if they WERE being paid to puntatively protect them.

    …I could go on about the waining days of hiring off-duty Police as security guards, too (which was over BEFORE this little dust-up), but I’ve again gone too long so I will only let you glance in a security booth with the door thoughtlessly left ajar one day that revealed an apparently very bored LEO sitting before a large bank of black-and-white monitors and making sounds like a chainsaw badly in need of both tuing AND sharpening, with drool running down both sides of his Wilford Brimley ‘stache (at least, I HOPE it was drool), and leave you with that…

  5. It’s California, and the perp would probably have just gotten a ticket and a slap on the wrist. Maybe. I don’t care if security was a bunch of teenagers trying to make pocket money, or a retired guy who needs something to do, or Dirty Harry moonlighting as a security guard; it’s not worth the hassle or exposure to disease or a criminal or civil lawsuit to detain a perp who is just going to walk anyway.

    The longer this COVID-19 situation lasts, the faster society will break down. Liberals were already putting the interests of criminals over the rights of law-abiding people, liberals were already in the process of effectively hamstringing California’s economy, and it is likely things like this will happen more frequently.


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