As Time Goes On Support For A-Bomb Dropping on Japan Wanes – IOTW Report

As Time Goes On Support For A-Bomb Dropping on Japan Wanes

Kids today. They have no idea of the toll and sacrifice Americans endured during WWII.

A majority of Millennials say it was wrong for America to end the war with the shock and awe of the atom bomb. It’s easy for them to pass judgement, they have absolutely nothing at stake.


ht/ annie


27 Comments on As Time Goes On Support For A-Bomb Dropping on Japan Wanes

  1. I was fortunate enough to meet Brigadier General Tibbits in the
    late 90’s when he rode our submarine (SSBN) for a day. Had
    a short chat with him.
    That man was a goddamn good American through and through. He was
    asked and he had the strength to do what was needed. Nothing can be
    said more than that. May he rest in peace.

  2. This reflects the lack of honest, true, actual history being taught in schools today. Truman was basically faced with the unpleasant choice of a land invasion of Japan with American troops which was likely to cost hundreds of thousands of American lives and possibly losing the war, or to use a newly developed weapon which promised to kill a large portion of the enemy while preserving those same American lives while at the same time achieving total victory which meant the US was still a free nation.

    Many of these younger morons living today that think we shouldn’t have literally nuked Japan have no capacity to understand that they literally may not have existed if their grandparents and great grandparents had been killed while trying to defeat Japan through conventional means.

    With the luxury of time (that wouldn’t have been a luxury under Japanese rule), today’s ignorant masses of younger people have been mal-educated to the extent that they have no grasp whatsoever on actual reality. It’s easy for them to say we shouldn’t have nuked Japan because they have lived their carefree lives as they have BECAUSE of the absolute and unrepentant US victory over Japan and Germany.

  3. Even the Japanese acknowledged that a land invasion would have been far more costly in terms of innocent Japanese lives. No one brings that up anymore.

    War is Hell.

  4. Operation Downfall.

    Tell a special little Millie to look into what it was estimated to cost and to put himself in the place of a 20 year old, or the spouse of one, who was looking down that long dark barrel with no light at the end.

  5. Millennials just don’t get or understand the sacrifice of those who went before them in World War 2. They are ungrateful and don’t realize that they may not be here or my generation the baby boomers for that matter if we would’ve had to invade Japan. Get over it snowflakes and pray (if you pray) that you never have to do what they did. I don’t think you’d pass the test of history if it was you bunch (not all) of brain dead gutless cowards and weenies if you had to fight a war for the survival of this nation and the free world like they did. And nuking the Japanese was the right thing to do and always will be.

  6. Think about this way – “Kids today” have lived almost their entire life time of screwing around with a bunch of muzlim animals and have no flippin idea that we took care of business and won a WORLD WAR in TWO theaters in less than five years because they are not taught real history anymore!
    Kids today have no flippin idea of what we are capable of with a lot of determination, unity (there’s a word you don’t hear anymore) and sacrifice when not being distracted and derailed by a bunch of Dumbed-Down, Politically-Correct, Xanax-disabled, Bed-Wetting, Bead-Strumming, Kumbaya-Singing Liberals, gazing at the world thru their vaginas!

  7. The pampered pussy hat wearing millennials aren’t even aware of the sacrifices being made this day by Americans in the middle east or the daily elimination of Christians in the middle east and Africa.

    But they do support Jimmy becoming Jane, or Robert marrying George, what speakers are best to play your rap music louder, or what the Kardashians are wearing and doing.

  8. I couldn’t agree more, Bubba. The Japanese were the toughest MF in the whole war. NOTHING would have stopped them other than the A-Bomb. They were so cruel to our POWs, too. I’ll never forget that book Death March : The Survivors of Bataan. Horrifying what they endured.

    AND it blows my mind that we fought 2 theaters of war at the same time, and kicked their asses. God, we lost a lot of great men. Bless their souls, we will never forget.

  9. Millennials aren’t stupid just because they’re stupid. They are stupid by design and that design belongs to the Marxists that have infiltrated us since the 1920s.

  10. “Don’t start no shit;
    Won’t be no shit.”

    Japan brought it on themselves.
    Too bad.
    Ask the Chinks about it – if they’re not inclined to lie.
    Ask Indonesia – if they’re not inclined to lie.
    The atrocities in Nanking even made the Nazis blush.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. I remember the public high school
    reading on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that was required in 1967. They
    were whining about it back then too
    and none of the books covered the
    expected millions dead on both sides
    if Truman hadn’t gone ahead.
    The “useful idiots” are always around.

  12. Naw, I say listen heeya, yous whipper snappers!

    Passing judgment on the lies you tweren’t paid to believe is wrong! It’s just wrong. Trust me. I know. I’s was paid to know.

    And if’n you won’t believe me, then believe Eric Holder. He’s says he knows things you don’t know. And he says FDR was the bestest POTUS until The Anointed One. Same with FLOTUS.

    And Abe Lincoln freed the slaves so you could get me another pudding. And a beer.

  13. Interesting reading the comments. So they think that Russia entering into war with Japan that Japan caused the surrender and that the bombs were not needed and that we chose to pop the bond and we are mass murderers….. Conveniently overlooking the attack on Pearl Harbor **SO** nice to be able to judge history from the safety of your living room and with no skin in the game and no immediacy of need of action.

  14. Is there a virtual reality game for Pearl Harbor? Because those little assholes deserve to be sitting through all of it. Including getting ‘soaked’ in hot oil and sea water, listening to screams and smelling the smoke.

  15. The education systems of both the US and Japan have systematically worked to reverse the rolls of aggressor and victim. The ones who really know the truth are almost extinct.

    Years ago, a business associate of mine (who’s own father was killed in the Pacific before he was born) apologized about the bomb to a survivor we were doing business with. The survivor, who was an officer in the Imperial Army at the time, said roughly, “don’t worry about it, it was war. . . and we did MUCH worse things in China. . .”

  16. @grool June 8, 2017 at 5:46 am

    Young men who will leave home, to die for “their” princes, on those princes’ estates that are not their own, abandoning their kith and kin to the “mercies” of those princes, should not be mourned, as they should not be missed.

  17. A study done at the time for the Secretary of War estimated that conquering Japan by invasion would cost 1.7 to 4 million American casualties, including 400,000 – 800,000 fatalities, and five to ten million Japanese fatalities.

    So the real irony in this situation is that a lot of those whining Millennials wouldn’t even BE here if we hadn’t dropped the Bomb.

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