Ashli Babbitt’s Killer Officially Identified – IOTW Report

Ashli Babbitt’s Killer Officially Identified


“The U.S. Congress wants to protect this man. He’s got friends in high places and they want to protect him,” said Maryland attorney Terry Roberts, who represents the family. “And they’ve done a pretty good job of it. … I don’t think it’s a proud moment for the U.S. Capitol Police or the U.S. Congress.”

Roberts told Zenger Wednesday night that the shooter was “Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.”

Byrd’s attorney, Mark Schamel, did not dispute the positive identification. It adds to information from other sources who told Zenger in recent months that Byrd was the January 6 shooter. None of them would say so on the record. More

23 Comments on Ashli Babbitt’s Killer Officially Identified

  1. You don’t have to look very far to see the US government is no longer controlled by the people and hasn’t been for a long time.

    This is the very reason and purpose for the 2nd Amendment.

  2. Let’s see…..hand with pistol extended OUTSIDE the entryway….

    Doesn’t sound like Babbitt was imminently going to enter that space does it??????? No other weapons seen or found and Ashley was unarmed.

    The shooting of Ashley Babbitt was an was an act of hysteria and not the act of a ‘professional law enforcement officer’.

    Amateurs react hysterically. Michael Leroy Byrd acted with force that was not merited due to his personal fear. Why? We have not had any chance to interview this law enforcement official to determine his ‘state of mind’ during the incident.

    Not immediately afterwards nor now.

    What are they hiding?

    They, the capitol officials in charge, are hiding the fact that this man was not competent to do his job and his lack of mental suitability and ability led directly to Ashley Babbitt’s death.

  3. Biden and Pelosi are the only persons in “high places” that have the power and clout to decide not to conduct a credible investigation and prosecute the murderer of an unarmed veteran, Ashli Babbitt.

    This position is Political Patronage or in addition, Byrd was hired for his skin color to make the hiring statistics more palatable.

    Which congressman or Senator recommended the hiring of Byrd and where did the clout come from for his promotion? Are there letters of recommendation, or phone records of the recommendation?
    This alone could shed light upon the protection of a murderer.

  4. What was she armed with?
    Didn’t confirm a weapon in her hand.
    Asshole was masked in other pics I have seen so his voice was most certainly muffled.
    He stated that her side was to him and didn’t know what was in her back pak.

  5. The Byrd murder of Ashli Babbitt DOES NOT HAVE “friends in high places”. What he does have, however, is a target on his own back put there by garbage politicians who need to protect their own drooping azzes from collusion and complicity in the joint murder of the poor woman. One day, though, we’ll read of Byrd’s murder by suicide since he is their witness who must be done away with. betcha

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