Ashli Babbitt’s Mom Arrested for Jaywalking by Capitol Police – IOTW Report

Ashli Babbitt’s Mom Arrested for Jaywalking by Capitol Police

Fox News

The mother of Ashli Babbitt, the January 6 protester shot to death by a Capitol Police officer two years ago, was arrested while demonstrating on or near Capitol Hill Friday on the anniversary of her death – and Babbitt’s widower thinks that wasn’t a coincidence.

Babbitt’s husband, Aaron Babbitt, discussed Micki Witthoeft’s arrest on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and said he viewed video of Witthoeft’s arrest for only the first time just before the interview. Insulting

23 Comments on Ashli Babbitt’s Mom Arrested for Jaywalking by Capitol Police

  1. …sure am glad that DC has solved all of it’s OTHER crime problems so they can focus on jaywalkers now.

    …so HOW many jaywalking citations have they issued in the adjacent ‘hood this year?

    …I’m guessing that only White people are evil enough to jaywalk, SUCH a threat to Muh Democraci…

  2. In past comments, I’ve already listed all the special committees I want to be empaneled but I would also like another Jan 6th committee to look into all the things the last one ignored; Pelosi’s dereliction in providing adequate security, the current Jan 6th prisoners still locked up and denied their fundamental rights of due process, the proclivity of Capitol Police who allowed/encouraged protestors to enter the Capitol, and some justice meted out to Ashli’s murderer, Lt. Byrd. This would also open the door for a nice juicy 7 figure settlement for Ashli’s family.

  3. Rich Taylor JANUARY 7, 2023 AT 1:45 PM
    “In past comments, I’ve already listed all the special committees I want to be empaneled but I would also like another Jan 6th committee to look into all the things the last one ignored”


  4. Hillary, Obama, and Biden can clandestinely sell valuable secrets and assets to China and Russia with impunity, but the grieving mother of a murdered patriot can’t jaywalk?

  5. …hey, seeing as how Kevin McCarthy is now in charge of the Capitol Police, he’s going to reign them in!



    You got anything to say to them about this?


    Mr. McCarthy?

  6. No permit for their demonstration on Capital grounds. Blocking roadway & entrance, failure to obey police orders when asked to leave roadway. She refused to leave the roadway turned & put her hands behind her back voluntarily. No not for jaywalking.

  7. The Trolls and Shills are very active today, everywhere in comment sections.

    Ignore ’em

    also . . .

    Can you add the 3-Legged Illusion to the Permanent Record forever?

  8. Politically motivated selective enforcement of law is always an element when it comes to tactics a tyrannical regime that does not enjoy popular support resort to. Always.

  9. Don’t any of you think that 99.99% of government thugs wouldn’t break down your door in the middle of the night and kill you on orders of their employer. Just like with the Brown Shirts in 1938 Germany, our government has been hiring people who are predisposed to do such things. Just like Michael Byrd, who is borderline retarded, most are hoping they will get the chance to kill. They would do it for a framed citation to hang on the wall and a little praise.

  10. Ironically a law just went into effect in California making it legal to Jay Walk. Why? Because black people apparently can’t follow that law. It’s a racist law.
    This poor lady must have been doing some damn serious Jay Walking to get arrested for it. What kind of spineless bastard cop would follow orders to arrest this woman?

  11. “No permit for their demonstration on Capital grounds.”

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    A “permit” is an abridgement.
    Was the assembly other than peaceable?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. ChickenCheeks
    JANUARY 7, 2023 AT 3:48 PM
    They have no shame. And they will not stop until w̶e̶’̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶r̶e̶-̶e̶d̶u̶c̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶c̶a̶m̶p̶s̶ DEAD.

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