Asian Group Comes Out In Support Of DOJ Effort To Curb Affirmative Action – IOTW Report

Asian Group Comes Out In Support Of DOJ Effort To Curb Affirmative Action

[…] “Asian Americans who have never discriminated against anybody in America find themselves on the short end of the stick where in the name of diversity and in the name of affirmative action we end up having to score higher, achieve more in order to get the same access to opportunities as other Americans just because of our race. And that’s wrong,” he said to TheDCNF.

SNIP: Finally! I get to use one of my favorite memes-


Damn! He’s strict!

13 Comments on Asian Group Comes Out In Support Of DOJ Effort To Curb Affirmative Action

  1. Of course the SJWs were all over this claiming white supremacy.
    Stupid is as stupid does.
    This investigation was started under the O’Baja administration, just went nowhere man.
    Yeah, big surprise there.

  2. I heard somebody last night, I think it was Gutfeld, arguing that AA wasn’t needed anymore because everybody had such a natural hankering for diversity on campus that an official policy of promoting incompetence was no longer necessary. I guess he figured Diversity Officers were powerful enough to take over the discrimination against asians and whites.

  3. End this nonsense. Tens of thousands of people in the AA racket out of work would be good for America. We are broke, simply cannot afford this level of corruption, government interference, and government waste. Use the money to pay down our debt.

  4. My daughter came home and showed me she got a 96 in Math. My response “What happened to the other four?” She didn’t think it was funny then. Now it’s her party line to explain how tough she had it.

  5. Page O Turner — It’s not supposed to be. Leftard logic at its best. Blacks are more equal-er than whites. Nobody pays attention to Asians, so they’re an easy target. Redistribution of IQ points. (slaps hands, “All squared away!”)

  6. Affirmative Action: Being judged by the content of your grievance status instead of by the content of your character! Plus it is pure socialist policy pushed by the slimy Democraps!

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