Asians Lumped In With Whites In “Students of Color” School District Category – IOTW Report

Asians Lumped In With Whites In “Students of Color” School District Category


The North Thurston Public School district in Washington released a statement in its “equity report” in which officials apologized for ejecting Asian students from their “students of color” category because they were performing satisfactorily.

“[I]n one of our online documents from 2019, titled ‘Monitoring Student Growth,’ we evaluated the achievement data by ‘Students of Color’ and ‘Students of Poverty,’” the district stated. “In the document we grouped White and Asian students together.” More

16 Comments on Asians Lumped In With Whites In “Students of Color” School District Category

  1. Asians are not people of color because they don’t whine, act like victims, have their hand out to the government, or burn and loot in response to perceived social injustices. they can take care of themselves even with the constant roadblocks academia places in front of them.

  2. They mean illiterate people of color not people of color.

    They will start to lump Indians from India in with Asians & white people when they still don’t get the desired results $ demographics.

  3. “And to be sure, not all blacks whine and act like victims.”

    Of course not, but the precepts of intersectionality and Critical Race Theory make no mention of Asians, and that’s not an accident. They don’t mention Jews either, and both groups have a shared history in this country of undue burdens and hardships placed on them.

  4. Apparently, they saw poor performance as a major qualification for classification as “people of color”.

    The soft tyranny (and may we add racism?) of lowered expectations.

  5. @Rich Taylor – “…They don’t mention Jews either, and both groups have a shared history in this country of undue burdens and hardships placed on them…”

    Not only that, but in my opinion, those two groups have excelled because of their culture, in spite of historical prejudices and other hardships. Whereas, blacks, as a whole – to which there are ALWAYS exceptions – have not exceeded. It’s an internal cultural thing. It’s NOT due to any external barrier placed in front of them.

  6. When The National Museum of African American History & Culture declares certain characteristics as signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, they essentially say ,”When The Man constantly has his boot on your neck and keeps you down, naturally you will fail, time and time again”.

    Slowly this is changing as evidenced by more and more “people of color” turning away from the lies of the Democrats, thinking for themselves, and voting republican. Seems like people of ALL shades want more freedom, to prosper according to their abilities and have more say in their personal affairs, who’d a thought?


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