Ask LGBTQ+ Where Babies Come From – IOTW Report

Ask LGBTQ+ Where Babies Come From

There’s a channel on YouTube, “Queer Kid Stuff“, that’s dedicated to teaching children “ages 3+ and up” things like their weird alphabet “Learning our LGBTs,” gender “How do you-EXPRESS-your gender?!?” and privilege and identity “How is class like ice cream.”

Recently, the producers decided it was time to tell children where babies come from. The video took such a barrage of negative reactions that they quickly pulled it down then re-posted it with the comments disabled. Watch

18 Comments on Ask LGBTQ+ Where Babies Come From

  1. I was temporarily banned from a comment board for explaining, in biologically accurate 7th grade English, where babies come from and why they cannot come from a rectum or from anything involving a dildo. Homosexuals whined to the mods and got me banned.

  2. Oh, the stated reason I was given is because I was deliberately provoking other members of the board.

    The veracity of what I said was never questioned. So I was banned not for what I said, but simply because I said it.

  3. Guinness Girl

    “I miss the America I grew up in.”

    It still the same America. Once they convince you it’s not, they’ve one. The silent majority needs to rise up.

  4. That channel is insidious and deviant child pornography and homosexual pedophilia being slickly run by that demented homo pedophile skank. She is truly sick, a disturbed predator. Please email and complain to your state police, the buffoons at the joke fbi, your state attorney general and any other agency you can think of to have them investigate this sick internet porn child pedophile. Dont let that predator get off doing this, report youtube for promoting child pornography.

  5. Funny how all this nonsense ceases when you’re sick and require a medical exam or need surgery on your otherwise non-descript, undefined physical body that may or may not contain a sperm, egg, or uterus.

    You better hope your doctor knows the difference between Male and Female and isn’t merely playing “pretend,” like you are.


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