“Ask, Tell, Make” and the Coming Collapse of Society – IOTW Report

“Ask, Tell, Make” and the Coming Collapse of Society

Palladium Magazine

In police academies around the country, new recruits are taught to apply an escalation of force algorithm with non-compliant subjects: “Ask, Tell, Make.” The idea behind “Ask, Tell, Make” is to apply the least amount of force necessary to achieve the desired level of compliance. This is the means by which police power, which is ultimately backed by significant coercive force, can maintain an appearance of voluntary compliance and soft-handedness. Similarly, the power centers inside U.S. institutions apply a variant of “Ask, Tell, Make” to achieve diversity in their respective organizations. More

25 Comments on “Ask, Tell, Make” and the Coming Collapse of Society

  1. Last week in a meeting with my attorney on will and trust issues, he asked if I preferred burial or cremation…I told him, by the time I’m ready to go I’ll be buried in a pile of spent brass!

  2. Ask, Tell, Make is exactly what law enforcement should adhere to in interaction with the public. The citizens they are interacting with will sort this out very quickly. But, they need to do this in the order written. Once the officer has progressed past ‘Ask’, he should be on the way to an arrest. People should know exactly what to expect from an officer and exactly what follows.

    Let’s say you have a problem with what the officer is doing. That’s just too bad. You’ll lose. Out in public is NOT the place to sort this out. That will happen in a lawyers office or a courtroom. That officer on the street has huge latitude. In those other two places I mentioned just before, almost none.

    Picking a fight on ground where you are disadvantaged is just stupid.

  3. I’m pretty tight with our Sheriff. Mainly bcause I give the department a lot of free gun stuff for fund raisers. LOL. But he does text me weekly and stops in about once a month. He has a ton of problems he’s worries about. Ask,Tell,Make, ain’t one of them. The Drug Cartels growing weed every place they can is. They are violent assholes. And this open border is making them even more brazen.

  4. Many years ago (around 1997-98), the police department I worked for had to stop using a written exam for applicant testing because almost every minority candidate failed it. This was a test prepared by a well known national firm, not something we local yokals came up with. One of my fellow lieutenants took a copy of the test home and had his two preteen sons give it a go. Both passed with very high scores.

  5. “The core issue is that changing political mores have established the systematic promotion of the unqualified and sidelining of the competent.”

    This has been an actively managed strategy in Washington State since the 1970’s. I can say with 100% confidence that there isn’t a single head of any State Agency that got there based on merit. The larger cities are either in the same shape or headed that direction.

    My brother and I saw exactly what was going on in the public schools and only showed up to take tests from middle school through high school.

  6. Excerpt: “The core issue is that changing political mores have established the systematic promotion of the unqualified and sidelining of the competent.”

    WHAT A PIECE !!! This essay answers all my questions about where we are and where we’re going. Yes, it’s a very long read, but it might be the best read of 2023 to date.

    The summary statement is this: unless there is a return to hiring for competency versus diversity, it is baked into the process that it is guaranteed that we will fail as a first tier nation.

  7. My COT test was binary, and hex, addition, subtraction, and multiplication of binary and hex. And logic gates. You would fail any portion of the test at 70%. The COTs before me said my test was easy, and bullshit. And they weren’t lying.

    Jennifer sat for the COT test 2 years after me. I showed her all the binary, and hex, and logic shit, and none of that was on her test. Her COT test was like my UTB (universal test battery). The UTB was designed to weed out retards. “What is bigger, a guppy, or a whale?”

    I’m not making this shit up.

  8. Erik, I am very familiar with logic gates and various number systems like Hex, Octal, binary, decimal, etc, yet I’m at a loss for what COT stands for?

    I do agree that they are dumbing things down.
    They have to in order to achieve their goals of total control & capitulation.

  9. COT is Central Office Technician. It was a blanket test for COTs, Special Services Technicians, and Test-deskmen, also called Testers.

  10. Thanks Erik.
    As for numbering systems, how fucking shortsighted is our government?
    My first passport expired so I renewed it.
    The motherfuckers gave me an entirely different number.
    My original number was connected with me. Why change it you bunch of dickheads!?
    Plus it was only 9 digits long like a social security number.

    With only 999,999,999 numbers available these assholes are reusing shit already.

    In the future I want a Hex passport number: BADFED6969

  11. We had a test desk at N Street. A bonified test desk that could do ballistic tests, supervise breakdowns (applying voltage to weld shorts, or blow them open), wheatstone bridges, and test general loop problems such as split pairs and the presence of load coils. They were the MLT (mechanized loop test) before such a thing existed. And they were FAR better at it.

  12. You sound like a good combination of old school & new tech.
    I have similar interests & skills.
    The bridge between the two is important yet the new guys coming up have no interest in learning how things came to be.
    That is why they can’t solve problems for shit.

    Our government works the same fucking way.

  13. I never had a passport.

    But I had an M chit from MD. Meant I was motorbike In MO M meant I had a commercial chit for rigs. HAA! They got confused when I moved.

  14. The passport number change just blew me away.
    No sense to it.
    Why even have a fucking expiration date?
    10 years? WHY????
    What the fuck changes?
    Make people update their pick every 20 years. DONE!

    Government is made up of the least capable motherfuckers ever created.
    After the founders did the work they should have just said “nah, they’ll FUCK IT UP”, then torched the whole Goddamn thing!

  15. “You have a rig endorsement?”

    “No. I have a motorcycle endo. What the fuck are you talking about?”

    “M endorsement…

    At some point you have had enough. Fuck you. Fuck ALL of you.

    On my insurance my 1973 Super Beetle is a “Votes Vagan”

  16. In grad school I saw a black man in his mid-twenties become infuriated and quit because the administration told him he had to go back for remedial reading and writing classes.

    This was a master’s level program, meaning somebody had already handed him a bachelor’s knowing he was borderline illiterate.

  17. Hard lessons learned throughout all of history have been tossed out, and it will probably take a total collapse of society to figure it all out again, and then it will take decades to build back.


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