Aspiring Lawyers No Longer Need to Pass the Bar in Washington State – IOTW Report

Aspiring Lawyers No Longer Need to Pass the Bar in Washington State

Daily Caller

The Washington State Supreme Court officially abolished the traditional bar exam requirement for aspiring lawyers Friday due to its perceived negative impact on minorities.

The Supreme Court has announced that the bar exam is no longer a requirement for those who aspire to be practicing lawyers. The Bar Licensure Task Force claims that the exam is only minimally effective in measuring competency and noted its unfair barrier to marginalized communities aspiring to practice law, according to the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts. The Task Force on Bar Licensure found that the usual bar exam unfairly stops people from underrepresented groups from entering the legal profession. The exam is not good at measuring if someone is qualified. More

30 Comments on Aspiring Lawyers No Longer Need to Pass the Bar in Washington State

  1. Seems to me this is already the practice throughout the entire country. How many judicial decisions have been made by judges that absolutely don’t make any sense or can be supported by the constitution. Are you listening John Roberts, you no good shithead? And what about that Katanji bitch, concerned that the 1st amendment is an obstacle in the government’s ability to censor free speech? Examples of lawyers not knowing the law can be found everyday.

  2. If I had just graduated law school in Washington State I’d insist on taking the Bar exam. Upon passing I’d be sure to promote it prominently at every opportunity as a competitive advantage over those who haven’t passed or taken the exam.

  3. Meh.

    The only things that are illegal there now are being White and defending yourself from a Democrat, and it’s not like your DEI lawuh is going to be of any use in the Communist courts anyway, bar or no…

  4. Doctors, lawyers, airline pilots. I would prefer the best and not the DEI hire. That goes for electricians, plumbers well lets just say anyone in the trades. And farmers there my favorite of all.

  5. Washington State… GROUND ZERO for…

    Subduction earthquakes
    Volcanic eruptions
    Forest fire smoke
    Shit-for-brain governors
    COVID tyranny
    Antifa/BLM CHAZ/CHOP riots
    Stupid Prius owners
    Woke tree huggers
    Contagious stupidity outbreaks
    North Korean and Chinese nukes

    Wait. That last one could be good.

  6. Illust8r, I second your ugh. What’s next that you won’t have to be professionally certified for. I don’t even want to ask. if you dumb down everybody in the name of equity and inclusion soon there will be no competent people left. Idaho is looking better and better all the time and for me it’s right next door.

  7. @Geoff
    I’m on Zillow daily. I don’t want to move but, good golly, this state almost daily gives me countless reasons to exit. If Bob Ferguson wins Governor…yeesh.

    I’ll be in the Midwest in 2 weeks. I’ll experience culture shock there-and when I get back here. Two different worlds. It’s hard to explain to people who don’t live out here the bizarro world of the Left coast.

  8. Illustr8r, yup, when Bob Ferguson wins it will likely be time to seriously look to escape. So, where to? Texas is too hot. North and South Dakota are cold as hell in the winter, hot in the summer. Tornado Alley is out of the question for my wife. Southeast US could be a consideration, but some pretty hot summers there. If it wasn’t for people NorCal, Oregon, and Washington would be damn tough to beat.

  9. @Joe
    Exactly. I like the rain and the mountains and the water views and the not to hot not too cold summer and winters. That’s why you’ll find me clinging in desperation to my deck railings. It hurts my heart to leave.

    But it’s hurts to live with the craziness too. Insanity is moving in quickly to the Eastside, especially Redmond. It makes absolutely no sense to willingly BRING IN the homeless and drug addled by building “low barrier” housing. Yet, on NextDoor when common sense gets posted about these issues that person gets pigpiled by the pink/blue/green haired brigade. The libtards will prevail I’m afraid. Just too damn many of them.

  10. Illustr8r, even here in somewhat rural Mason County you can see the influx of invaders. I think they are being sent here to flip elections. Trump won here in 2016 and 2020. The bad guys don’t want that to happen again!

  11. Illustr8r/joe6pak

    Go check out Prescott. I’ll meet you guys there. Poked around there this week end. Even the Indians, excuse me, Native Americans, are pro Trump. Very cool place.

  12. I’ve heard Prescott is a cool place. I would consider something like that, especially if Bob Ferguson wins the governorship. He has the potential of being the worst in the nation!


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