Assange Nears Extradition to The United States – IOTW Report

Assange Nears Extradition to The United States


Julian Assange’s battle against extradition to the US is now heading to the home secretary for her final decision.

In a hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court, the judge who oversees extradition requests authorised the case to be sent to Priti Patel.

The Wikileaks founder is expected to appeal to the High Court if she approves his extradition.

Mr Assange is wanted in the US over documents leaked in 2010 and 2011.

The Supreme Court ruled last month that Mr Assange’s case raised no legal questions over assurances the US had given the UK over how he is likely to be treated. More

6 Comments on Assange Nears Extradition to The United States

  1. That Donald Trump! (swoon) What a stand up guy! Such loyalty! To the Moon!

    Hey! How are those Americans that answered his call to the January rally doing?

    Don’t forget to voat! Hard!

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