Assange Still Teasing – IOTW Report

Assange Still Teasing

What we do know is that the Dems’ “big revelation” is that Donald Trump knows the tax laws and that the NY Times is an arm of the Clinton campaign.

If Assange has something, I’m sure it’s going to be bigger than finding out Trump did nothing wrong.


22 Comments on Assange Still Teasing

  1. Even if he does have something (and I am skeptical), the media will do everything it can to stifle it.
    For example, did you know that, despite the so-called reputation as doing a lot of good, House investigations have revealed that the Clinton Foundation has been a big failure in combatting AIDS in Africa, going so far as to water down AIDS drugs to the point they are useless? I saw Marcia Blackburn talk about this on Lou Dobbs yesterday, and absolutely no where else. This should be a big deal in the middle of a presidential race, and it’s not. Deliberately.
    Good luck, Assange.

  2. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

    Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 26.

    Thirteen days prior to the election–just late enough so that voters won’t forget on Election Day, but enough time to digest what Assange will be releasing.

    CANKLES’ 69th BIRTHDAY! I hope she catches fire from all those candles on the cake.

  3. OT (but inquiring minds want to know):

    Cankles was supposed to submit answers to a bunch of questions concerning some scandal or other (honestly, I can’t keep track of them anymore) on September 28. Did she make this deadline?

  4. Let’s hope Julian doesn’t shoot himself in the head 3 times and get declared a suicide by magic Kennedy bullets.

    17% of the NYT is owned by a Mexican. Who knew? The rest is owned by the Clinton mob.

  5. I saw Joe Biden on Jimmy Fallon the other night. He’s clearly had cosmetic surgery. Make me wonder; could just be taking advantage of his remaining days in office, but when politicians do this, they’re preparing for something – like when Mike Huckabee begins losing weight leading up to a campaign. Who knows? Hillary could go down or die, and no one is the picture of “progress” for Progressives like Joe Biden.

  6. Forget about Assange. Hes a dud. There is a canyon of reasons not to vote for this corrupt old whore and Trump has a message. The whole world already has concluded Hitlery is a corrupt old hated hag.

  7. Another viewpoint on Julian. once he reveals his ace card, what does he have left to signify his existence? He is in sanctuary in Ecuador’s London embassy. If he steps off the embassy property, he is to be arrested and no doubt killed by the Clinton Cartel in collusion with the Brits. What he can do is wait it out for Trump to win, and Trump to end all agreements with the UK if they do not drop their kill on sight plot. Then Assange would be free once again to get the hell out of the UK corruption and get to Switzerland, or wherever he feels safe.

  8. A tweet from Jesse Rodrigues, an NBC news producer:
    According to @wikileaks, Julian Assange will appear via video link at Berlin press conference on Tuesday AM.

    However, I can’t find a confirmation from Wiki.

  9. Another reporter, Jason Alan Murdock from the UK is reporting that that Assange will appear on video Tues AM at Wiki’s Ten Year Anniversary event held in Berlin. But, it is not clear if this appearance is has anything to due with the Hilldog document drop or if it is just an appearance for the event.

  10. It depends on what your definition of big is. Documents indicate that Donald Trump said a fat swimsuit model was fat. Some people really, truly, “think” that’s yuge. Documents indicate that Hillary Clinton was given millions of dollars for just-come-in-and-pick-up-the-check “jobs”. Some people really, truly, “think” that proves she’s smart.

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