Asteroid Almost Hit Earth, Astronomers Reportedly Had Little Warning – IOTW Report

Asteroid Almost Hit Earth, Astronomers Reportedly Had Little Warning

Epoch Times:

Scientists were surprised after an asteroid almost hit earth on Thursday, July 25.

“It’s impressively close. I don’t think it’s quite sunk in yet. It’s a pretty big deal,” Associate Professor Michael Brown, from Monash University’s school of physics and astronomy, told The Sydney Morning Herald.

“[If it hit Earth] it makes the bang of a very large nuclear weapon–a very large one,” he said.

The rock dubbed Asteroid 2019 OK was approximately 328 feet (100 meters) in diameter and moving at a speed of almost 28 miles (45 kilometers) per second. The rock missed Planet Earth by a distance of approximately 45,000 miles (72,500 kilometers) which is less than the distance between the earth and the moon, reported Astronomy Magazine.

The rock was flying from the direction of the sun, which is why astronomers failed to detect it, said Brown. more

19 Comments on Asteroid Almost Hit Earth, Astronomers Reportedly Had Little Warning

  1. “The rock was flying from the direction of the sun, which is why astronomers failed to detect it, said Brown.”

    Congresswoman Alexandria Ocassio Cortez asked why they didn’t notice it at night, then?

  2. All 47 idiots running for the communist party nomination have blamed globular warming / climax change and the orange boogie man because of his racerism towards space aliens.

    Truth be told, aoc and her merry band of fucktards just missed their ride back to planet twatwaffle.

  3. I’m wondering if this ‘roid fly-by is a warning from God.

    “Get your act together or the next one will smack you upside the head real good….and you can all kiss it goodbye”.

  4. Maybe if they were being astronomers and studying space instead of Climate Change advocates and studying cow farts.
    Tyson is another warmist, but he’s been a bit BIZZAY lately.

    Also, some of us have been praying for an asteroid lately. Maybe we should stop.
    I looks like someone is listenig. LOL

  5. @Kcir “It looks like someone is listening.”..(and warning!)

    Odd you would say that. Genesis 18:20-32 is the 1st reading in the Catholic Mass for 07/28/2019.

  6. I’m Catholic.

    But disappointed in Francis. He is supposed to protect & lead the flock, not weaken it.

    JP2 worked with Reagan & Thatcher against communism.

    This guy, seems to be on the other side.

    Not trying to offend anyone, just my personal feelings.

  7. @Kcir, exactly.
    The funniest line in any story I read starts with “Experts surprised…….”
    If you’re such an effin’ expert, you should be expecting what us mere mortals can not imagine.
    The same goes for scientists. Do science. That’s your job. Leave the pc bs to the “experts”.

  8. Ex= has been
    Spurt= drip under pressure

    That stated, what fookin’ difference would it make if we were forewarned or not, about a city, state, world killing asteriod? REALLY? WE WOULD ALL FEEL BETTER ABOUT IT IF WE HAD A WEEK OR TWO TO MULL IT OVER???? REALLY? FFS!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  9. It only missed by 46,000 miles. Time to run in and change your diapers!
    if it will calm you down. measure the distance in feet! The sky is falling for sure!
    Whether it hits or misses is not in your control.
    2,428,880,000 feet. Feel Better?


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