Asylum Seekers From Migrant ‘Caravan’ Begin To Reach US Border – IOTW Report

Asylum Seekers From Migrant ‘Caravan’ Begin To Reach US Border

DC: About 50 of the people traveling north through Mexico in a much publicized migrant “caravan” have arrived at the southwest border and have begun to apply for asylum, according to groups assisting them.

The migrants, who are mostly from Central American countries, arrived in the Mexican border city of Tijuana on Wednesday. A number of them have already crossed into the U.S. to petition for asylum, activists said.

“Since yesterday, some began to cross into the United States to turn themselves in from Tijuana and request asylum,” said Jose Maria Garcia, director of Juventud 2000, according to Reuters. “We understand more of (the migrants) will do the same.”

The caravan, which at one point numbered as many as 1,500 migrants, began its northward journey late March. Though it is an annual event, this year’s march gained prominence thanks to reports from U.S. media outlets describing the ways in which Mexican authorities were helping the migrants reach the U.S. border. more

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