At least 27 people have died after a gunman opened fire at a church in Texas during Sunday services – IOTW Report

At least 27 people have died after a gunman opened fire at a church in Texas during Sunday services

Man who opened fire in Sutherland Springs church now dead.


The attack happened at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs in Wilson County.

Police official Albert Gamez Jr confirmed the number of fatalities to CBS News.

The gunman, who is reported to have been killed in the aftermath, entered the church and opened fire at around 11:30 local time (17:30 GMT).

“The details are kind of sketchy but what I know right now, what they’re telling me, like 27 deceased and over 20, 25 injured,” Mr Gomez Jr said.

“They’re talking about the shooter is dead also,” he added.

One witness, Carrie Matula, told NBC News: “We heard semi-automatic gunfire… we’re only about 50 yards away from this church.”

“This is a very small community, so everyone was very curious as to what was going on.”

The San Antonio FBI branch said its agents had been deployed, and there was no indication of the gunman’s motive.

The FBI also said that while only one shooter was reported, it was looking into other possibilities.

Photos and video from the scene showed the area taped off by local law enforcement.

A number of helicopters have arrived to transport the wounded, KSAT 12 reporter Max Massey said.


58 Comments on At least 27 people have died after a gunman opened fire at a church in Texas during Sunday services

  1. my .02 … either another ‘lone-wolf’ or a local nutjob that was pissed that the barber, a deacon at the church, gave him a bad haircut …. or whatever

    P.S. we all know there is no such thing as a ‘lone-wolf’

  2. Wilson Co. TX is very rural and 81.5% white and 1.2% black; so it’s likely not a racial thing. Have to wait for the facts. If I were to bet, I’d wager on some crazy fucker, since our mental health system is total shit here, virtually non-existent.

  3. Far too early to speculate on anything yet. We’re barely two months removed from a church shooting in our town by a Muslim terrorist.

    The terrorist, a Sudanese immigrant, who has been recorded multiple times on the jailhouse phone just laughing away and having a good time with his whore who laments “the life they were going to have” – to which he responds “we still can”.

    And with liberals, you know he’s right.

    I’m glad whoever did this one is dead already.

  4. I’m about ready to don my tin-foil hat. Why is it when ever things start to heat up about the Clintons and the Deep State, we have another one of these shootings. It takes attention away from President Trump’s Asia trip, it takes attention away from the Clintons and Uranium One. And we still don’t know what happened in Las Vegas. Could be just a random nut-job but I’m starting to have my doubts.

  5. Gun-free zone, I’m sure of it. Probably committed by a registered democrat or a musloid. Either way it’ll be all about the gun and not the trigger-man.

    Chalk another one up for the leftists.

  6. When they take this long to name the shooter, my bullshit detector starts chirping. @Cliche Guevara: On that story about the previous church shooter, I noticed they neglected to mention that the shooter in that case was a muslim.

  7. How come we never ever hear or witness a gunman storming a fake news network, or congress while it’s in session?

    If you want to go out with a bang, I can’t think of any better opportunity.

    Oh that’s right, congress is protected by men with guns.

  8. The blood dancing has already started with Bob Casey and Dick Durbin.

    Yes, the world has evil people in it. And anyone who tries to interfere with my right to protect myself, my family, and my property from evil people is, using the current idiom, an enabler of evil. May they all rot in hell.

  9. Anything to take away from the Trump-Russia investigation.
    Flynn going down too, apparently.
    Gotta really wonder about the high government pro-Trump types – convenient that the shooter is dead. hmmmmm.

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