At Least He’s Funny – IOTW Report

At Least He’s Funny

h/t Jason

12 Comments on At Least He’s Funny

  1. …how is this funny? They ARE making a concerted effort at unplugging the United States now that they’ve loaded it with a fatal Boot Sector virus, so it will come back up with the configuration THEY want, and only power the devices THEY script for it.

    Not to mention that EVERY SINGLE TIME you look at something that Communist Hollywood “Rebooted” from a classic, the reboot is loaded with wokeism and indoctrination and they universally SUCK.

    So I do NOT recommend rebooting the United States without FIRST clearing the virus of Communisim from its upper level OS.

    The Blue Screen of Death is NOTHING compared to the lockup it would have with the Demented Democrats rewrite of the CMOS…

  2. Hollywood redo of Gone With The Wind.

    Rhett Butler – a pervert who showers with his own daughter.
    Scarlett O’Hara – a Karen type always screaming at other people.
    Civil War is between Leftards and Patriotic Americans. The leftard army is full of evil people yelling woke shit.
    Leftards pass the 51st Amendment to free all Prisoners in the US and close down the Prisons.
    Its a Ho-wood product, so the Leftards win, of course. Patriots are rounded up, stripped of their firearms and all other freedoms, tortured, put in camps and “re-educated”.

    The movie bombs at the Box Office.

  3. “The movie bombs at the Box Office.”

    That’s because those who pay to see movies don’t want to see it, and those who want to see it don’t believe they should have to pay.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Does anyone else see this RFK as a whack job?
    I mean he makes one or two good points followed by a dozen whackadoodle conspiracy theories.
    I do believe there is a deep state that is plotting against us pro-America Conservatives, but RFK takes it all to another level.

  5. “Has anyone tried unplugging the United States and plugging back in?”

    UMM yes that was done in 2020 it only made things worse, we need to eliminates the Democrat/communist virus and restore the Country to the original 1776 factory settings.

  6. Dirty power? The call is coming from inside the house? I know what you did last summer? Pet cemetery?

    Pet cemetery for the win. Returns as a vile simulacrum of its previous self wreaking havoc wherever it goes… wait… that was the previous reset.

    Stolen elections have consequences.

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