At least they’re consistent: Black Dems say Sanders is a racist for criticizing Obama – IOTW Report

At least they’re consistent: Black Dems say Sanders is a racist for criticizing Obama

bernie sanders yelling

Wyblog: For 8 years we’ve heard how Republicans are racist for daring to criticize Barack Obama. It’s every Democrat’s favorite retort, especially when she’s losing an argument.

Yesterday, the Congressional Black Caucus leveled the same charge against Socialist upstart Bernie Sanders, because he’s aligned himself with Democrats who criticize Obama.  MORE

5 Comments on At least they’re consistent: Black Dems say Sanders is a racist for criticizing Obama

  1. John Lewis should unknot his knickers for not having seen Uncle Bernie at the March on Washington, the Selma-Montgomery march, or with the Freedom Riders.

    I’m sure Brian Williams was there to pick up any slack.

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