At Least You Can Enjoy The Schadenfreude – IOTW Report

At Least You Can Enjoy The Schadenfreude

Kurt Schlichter in Town Hall

There’s no sense in pretending that we don’t take pleasure in the total failure of our Marxist-curious party of the left. Through a combination of outright fraud, procedural irregularities, plus the total support of the garbage establishment and its failed institutions, the Democrats took power by the thinnest of margins and have proceeded to fail on a level comparable to Heaven’s Gate, New Coke, and the Weekly Standard. There’s no shame in enjoying their total rejection by all decent Americans. In fact, you should enjoy it without hesitation or mercy, especially since it means more than just us cons getting our jollies. More

10 Comments on At Least You Can Enjoy The Schadenfreude

  1. Reading this article took me straight to The Gods of the Copybook Headings by Rudyard Kipling

    I will post a link for those who may not be familiar with the poem. It links to Glenn Beck’s reading and analysis. I cannot emphasize enough that Glen Beck is not among my favorite or most trusted commenters, but to give the devil his due: This is one of the best presentations available.

  2. As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
    There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
    That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

    And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

  3. “Now, there will be invertebrate Republicans who will look at this situation and instinctively seek a way to foul-up our good fortune. Fungi like Miracle Whip Mitt will think that now is the time to reach across the aisle to help our friends on the left. This is stupid. The squishes probably think it is unseemly to kick your opponent when he is down, but when he is down, he is the most vulnerable and you can do the most damage.”

    What the author misses completely is that he Republican establishment is on Team Biden and the Brandon Agenda. They are progressives, closeted progressives, but died in the wool, dedicated, enthusiastic progressives none the less. They are just as wedded to progressivism as any Democrat, they are simply playing the part ty have been assigned in the Kabuki THeater that American politics has become.

  4. I am troubled by the premature schadenfreude that people are wallowing in. I look back to the 2018 election when the Republicans initially won something like six more seats, but the Democrats had “recounts” including the infamous boxes of uncounted ballots found in rental cars at the airport and ended up taking the House.

    Democrats cheat. It’s what they do. And the MSM ignores it. It’s what they do.

    I will not feel at ease until the results are certified and the GOP controls both the House and the Senate.

    But I am not holding my breath.

  5. Although I share in the author’s glee wrt the total failure on every level of the left’s agenda, this is analogous to being carjacked, then as they speed off in your car they rear-end a gas tanker and expire in a glorious fiery explosion. You appreciate the timely justice but would have preferred they not steal your car (country) in the first place.

  6. @ RadioMattM JANUARY 25, 2022 AT 4:49 PM

    “Democrats cheat. It’s what they do. And the MSM ignores it. It’s what they do.”

    You are part of the way there, but it is us against them to the bastards and the Democrats and Republican establishment see themselves as the “us” and the American people (what Rush called the unwashed masses) as the them. The cheating Party is the Party which is comprised of two subsets, the Republican establishment and the Democrats. Without the part the former played the former the latter could not have pulled it off on their own. The Republican establishment was coordinating behind the scenes throughout the last legitimately elected President’s term of office with the Democrats to first thwart him delivering on what the American people elected him to do. Stevie Wonder could see what that fucking weasel Paul Ryan was up to and Ryan didn’t care. The mostly peaceful riots demanded establishment Republicans to play dumb and not respond in the manner that anyone with any sense of outrage would. If you don’t think the broad daylight theft of elections from the American people doesn’t rely on the Republican establishment playing it’s assigned part you probably shouldn’t be voting in the first place. It is us against them and it was not solely the Democrats who were acting against the American people’s interest. It what the entire progressive movement and although the Republican establishment is not on the front lines, they are an instrumental part of Team Us.

    The fuckers have nothing but utter contempt for the American people, no less than the Democrats, and unless and until that is recognized as a stone cold natural fact the American people are playing against a stacked deck.

  7. What’s wrong with gloating? Nothing, I still gloat over Hillary’s loss, and I gloat over me being smart enough not to get the jab. If the liberals are suffering emotionally, well too damn bad, I’m gloating too much to care. I could to go on and on…..


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