At What Point Will the Left Agree That Muslims Are the Number One Problem On Earth? – IOTW Report

At What Point Will the Left Agree That Muslims Are the Number One Problem On Earth?

It’s just a few rogues, lone wolves who do not represent the bulk of Islam, maiming and killing, so don’t be so Islamophobic.

The thousands of gallons of blood spilled in the name of Allah is but an insignificant drop.

(However, you must condemn every police officer for the very rare act of a cop shooting an unarmed, completely innocent person.)

Reports of Muslims maiming and killing innocents are now happening daily. But sit back and celebrate Islam, otherwise you’re a narrow-minded bigot who is painting with a broad brush.

It’s the fault of the Jews, anyway. (And this attitude is in no way Judeophobic.) (The term Judeophobic needs to used more often.)

To be a proper world citizen you must take in as many young male Muslim refugees as possible into a neighborhood near you. Never mind that the imbalance of Christian refugees compared to Muslim refugees is ludicrous. But there might be a good explanation for this.

No, it’s not the easy answer, that the left simply wants to flood the west with Muslims. It’s probably because Christian men don’t flee their children and wives like cowardly Muslims. (That’s a good theory, no?) (Repeat it.. often.)

I’m going to end this mini-rant before I say something that gets me banned from YouTube.








22 Comments on At What Point Will the Left Agree That Muslims Are the Number One Problem On Earth?

  1. @MM: Maybe. They may also continue to blame everyone else’s ‘intolerance’ as being the cause. Don’t confuse libs with facts when they’re focused on their contrived issues.

  2. Individuals on the left will never change their mind until they or their family or friends experience the horror many other families have experienced at the hands of muslims.

    Thousands more will suffer before they are enlightened.

  3. Never, because the left are a bunch of brain-dead nihilistic cunts. They seek out all functional components of our society, and work to ruin them. They want hell on earth. Occupy and BLM has shown that quite clearly.

  4. @cato ~ wrong … progtards don’t care about their family, including their children. they stand there smiling, while Joe Biden molests their daughter, & have no trouble whatsoever in aborting them either.

    … ‘There Is Only The Fight!’

  5. Cognitive dissonance is a beautiful thing to observe. It’s normality bias writ large. I’ve seen it a few dozen times personally in my time here on the planet.

    Humans, exhibiting less awareness of their environment than cows.

    Perhaps a burgeoning muslim presence is just the eugenics program we need. ‘Cause we’re up to our nipples in dumbasses. Somebody need to thin them out. Just maybe the goat rapers and clitorous amputators are the ones to do so.

  6. We watched a segment of Tucker Carlson yesterday in which he interviewed the parents of that kid being “detained” in NoKo. It’s not a muslim country, yet I think the comparison works and highlights what Molon Labe, above, wrote. Those parents, when asked if they were outraged that neither the clinton State dept. nor obama or anyone else in that admin tried to help them, replied “Well, we’re the ones who let him go to North Korea.” The dad was a sickening milquetoast. I’ve seen more outrage standing next to someone at the dry cleaners when their garment came back with a new problem. But now that Trump is President, they seem to be all puffed up and huffy about “someone” helping them!

    The Left is on islam’s side. I wouldn’t expect them to worry about terrorism, especially since it’s happening to someone else. The Left is a collective, it never recognizes individual acts of victimization unless it helps to further their ideology. That’s why a single death of a progressive doesn’t matter. What is primary is that the pristine perfection of their ideology is never questioned. That is why individual facts, even a collection or pattern of facts do not matter.

  7. The left has a suicidal streak running through it a mile wide. Mixed with the perfect amount of self imposed guilt. They’ll never change their minds and if a loved one gets their heads lopped off it will be the fault of everyone except the person/religion that actually did the lopping.

    On a side note I shoot most Sunday mornings with a mix of trainers and LEO. A bunch of great guys. Everyone has started mixing in hard ball ammo with their critical defense type rounds in case the need to punch through a wind shield. That changed pretty damn fast.

  8. “At What Point Will the Left Agree That Muslims Are the Number One Problem On Earth?”

    Right after the Rest figure out that they’re not.

    As soon as those the Left calls enemies figure out what the actual problem is with a shotgun in the hall closet, the Left discovers that “Guns kill people!”

  9. Anonymous
    Oh jeez that reminds me the Swedes currently have a twitter campaign going on that “Not all Trucks are Bad, Most Trucks are Industrious and Hard Working”.

  10. “At What Point Will the Left Agree That Muslims Are the Number One Problem On Earth?”

    Only when the assholes that tell the Left how to think are watching their heads fall away from their disjointed bodies, and the sound of their screams “We are wrong about islam”, will it make a difference to the idiot’s watching and listening.

  11. As long as the left is safely behind their security team as a buffer, they’ll never know the problem of the world of Islam. Remove the security buffer and they will see the light of truth.

  12. The Left is a mental illness. It arises from modern urbanized life: living in rental sheet rock boxes on some landlord’s 8th floor, being dependent on some unskilled office job for a paycheck and on government subsidized services to survive. No land, no livestock or crops or crafts, no weapons and no self defense traditions, no economic independence, no self sufficiency. Total dependence on public schools and mass consumer “news” and politicized “infotainment”.

    Add in several generations of a feminist war on men and masculinity , fatherless boys spawned by fatherless men, militant dogmatic Atheism and nihilism taught as ‘science’.

    The Left cannot be reasoned with. It can only be eradicated. Individual victims can sometimes be re-educated, with sufficient time and resources.
    Life threatening crises and disasters are unlikely to offer the time or resources for some vast epiphany of urban Leftists.

    Europe and the U.K. seem lost. Czech/Poland/Hungary may stand fast.
    Western Europeans will relocate there, and to the USA. That boosts our numbers, a good thing.

    But I think the 1,400 year old Islamic War Against Humanity will end in nukes. Either they will, most likely, nuke our major cities and civilization collapses back to Book Of Eli conditions, or some future Western leader will be forced to nuke the Islamist nuclear powers proactively. And if the entire planet succumbs and converts to Islam, the new imam leadership will inevitably turn our nuclear arsenals against each other and hello Eli and “The Road”.

  13. Liberal Snowflakes need to understand that no matter how nice you are to muzzies, they DON´T think like you do and never will.
    You are NOT going to make them think like you do.
    You are NOT going to change them.
    You are NOT going to see Million Muzlim March of compassionate, moderate muzlims condemning these terrorist maniacs!
    They are here to wipe out all infidels and conquer the world. It is what Allah commands them to do.
    The only thing these cave-men understand is a bigger hammer and lots of pain!
    That’s the way it’s been for 1400 years.
    That’s the way it’s going to be for another 1400 years.
    Turn off the spigot and stop funding our own demise!
    Send them back to the Hell they came from.

  14. Rat Fink, well said and all true. But nuclear weapons change all that.
    This won’t go on another 1400 years. I see this ending in nukes, probably in our lifetimes.
    If any Islamic population survives the global nuclear apocalypse, it will be rocks and clubs.

  15. As Muslims take over the governments of nuclear states (UK, France etc) their nuclear arsenals will be used to threaten us, and Israel, and whatever Western states remain.
    Add in Pakistan’s 100+ nukes, nuclear Iran, ISIS and stealth/blackmail nukes in Western cities, etc, and I can’t see a Disney ending here.

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