ATF Raid Company They Accuse Of Selling Untraceable “Ghost Gun” Kits – IOTW Report

ATF Raid Company They Accuse Of Selling Untraceable “Ghost Gun” Kits


Armed with a search warrant, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives raided Polymer80 on Dec. 10, a small manufacturer in a boxy-looking building in an inconspicuous industrial park in the desert town of Dayton, Nevada. Polymer80 makes unfinished gun parts, otherwise known as ghost guns, because buyers can convert them into AR-15s, Glock-style pistols and other firearms with the drilling of a few well-placed holes, evading the background checks required when buying a firearm from a dealer. They also lack serial numbers, which makes them difficult to trace.

The ATF was looking for Polymer80’s “Buy Build Shoot” kits, which it blames for a violent interstate crime wave, according to the search warrant and the 119-page affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Reno, Nevada. The ATF says that Polymer80 shipped gun kits to California and the resulting firearms were recovered in investigations of 15 murders last year, including a triple-homicide home invasion in Glendale. The ATF also says a Polymer80-built handgun was used this year in the non-fatal shooting of two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies in Compton. More

23 Comments on ATF Raid Company They Accuse Of Selling Untraceable “Ghost Gun” Kits

  1. If I’m understanding this right the ATF is not claiming either the 80% frames and receivers or the parts themselves are a violation of the law but that selling them together -the frame and the parts to complete then as a fully finishable kit- demonstrates intention to sell a firearm in violation of registration and background check laws.

    This would mean the Frames sold as one item and separately from the parts, either in total or as individual component parts- would not be illegal and that is how they are considered noe, as being legal to sell or purchase (State laws may differ).

    A technicality at best, but the ATF has screwed over a awful lot of people based strictly on technicalities.

  2. All part of the plan. Communists don’t like us assholes armed to the teeth. The Communists obviously can’t trace these weapons so the hole needs plugged. When the times right, and very soon, they will visit you at home and disarm you. That’s the plan anyway.

  3. If nothing in the box is legally a firearm, how is it any different whether ordered separately or together? What next? Raid home Depot for being an illegal explosives factory?

  4. (Not bad) Brad is right. The time is coming soon. They already tested the resolve of the American people and found it to be wanting. I believe Paul Revere said it best. “The red coats are coming!”


  5. It takes more than “drilling a few well-places holes” to finish an 80% receiver.

    The ATF is flexing its muscles in anticipation of a Harris-Biden administration which will remove all restraints. Be prepared.

  6. “Aid us, or at the worst let us go free. Or seek to carry out your law. If you do there will be fewer to return to your war or your King.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

  7. Polymer80 is half mile from where I live. The Feds only wanted the list of names of those who purchased the kits. They have been knocking on doors wanting people to surrender the kits, from what I have heard.

  8. You have to give credit to the left’s diabolical PR people, they continue to devise scary names for guns to get the weak-minded to go along with them. “Ghost Guns”, “Assault rifles”, “Saturday Night Specials”.

  9. In other Dayton, NV (Lyon County) news:

    A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously Tuesday in favor of a Lyon County church that argued Gov. Steve Sisolak’s pandemic restrictions on places of worship were a violation of the First Amendment, reversing a lower court’s ruling and prohibiting Sisolak from imposing further restrictions on churches.

    If we could only get enough signatures for a recall…

  10. …sorry, I must have missed the part in the Constitution and the Federalist papers where the Founding Fathers said that Government must always be able to trace every firearm…

  11. @Jack Kemp
    The last time Congress tried to disband the ATF, the leadership of the ATF staged a raid on an obscure church in Waco, Texas in an effort to justify their continued existence. Many children were burned alive in the military assault as the ATF kept firefighters away from the scene. The ATF is the enemy of the American people. Their leaders should be hanged as traitors.


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