Atheists pay for cynical billboard – IOTW Report

Atheists pay for cynical billboard

It’s pretty queer to be more invested in denigrating someone else’s beliefs rather than spend a good life pursuing something you yourself believe in.

Not believing in something is not believing in something. (If you read the last sentence with the correct emphasis it makes perfect sense.)


A billboard went up today in Albuquerque, coming soon to Texas and Oklahoma.

ht/ JBinNM

41 Comments on Atheists pay for cynical billboard

  1. I don’t pray for atheists. Their fate is their problem. Anyone who is arrogant enough to believe their intelligence is so superior to others that they have proven God’s existence to be a fairy tale is a fool.

  2. It should say at the bottom, joint the idiots, entity as stupid as we are, American Atheists.
    AA [alcoholics anonymous] is already taken by another bunch of atheist]

  3. If leftists don’t like something they do not want any of us to have it. If conservatives don’t like something, conservatives just say ‘whatever’ and move on. Attacking Christ this way is not going to end well for those responsible for this sign.

  4. This is being done by militant atheists (read: assholes).

    I know plenty of atheists (mostly agnostics, actually) who keep a low profile and don’t run their mouth about anyone’s beliefs, especially their own. All it does is invite conflict, which the people are obviously seeking.

    Ignore them.

    Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, and I have yet to see ONE person who changed their mind about their religion (or the lack of one) through argument.

    Want to start a fight? Start telling other people they are wrong about their religious beliefs.

    Not me. As long as it doesn’t hurt anybody or spook the cattle, have at it.


  5. My God is not dead, however whatever pretend, made up, fake atheist god you worship is totally absolutely dead and deaf and dumb as well and no matter you pray (or go om, or chant etc.) will not answer ever. I feel pity for you atheists who don’t believe in a living god, it’s your loss and you have everything to gain if you would only believe. I once was lost but now I’m found and God’s amazing grace has worked for me since I was 19 back in 1972. I am still here because of his grace and mercy. Our Lord is not an Indian giver, your small g god however is totally arbitrary and capricious and doesn’t give a damn about you, nor will he/she it, ma gaia, Beelzebub etc. ever care about you. Just thought you unbelieving atheists might want to know for future reference in case you have an epiphany and figure out that God is real and not some phony sham god you believe in. Ask me sometime about how God turned a loser like me into a believer when I needed him the most and he hasn’t failed me yet, nor will he ever.

  6. Seriously how long will they last in Texas and Oklahoma,they’ll be shot up in Hours ! How’s about The Two States hold a Competition to see who Shoot’s it down First !!!

  7. It will be a terrible gotcha moment when you find we were right.

    I’ll pray for you regardless, I am the recipient of His saving Grace after 32 years of prayers by my wife and every Church she attended, every Pastor, conference and every Bible Study group she ever attended.
    I used to call them “Bible Thumpers”……And… now I am one.
    Praise God !

  8. So, what “Happy Holidays” are these militant atheists celebrating when they wish everyone “Happy Holidays”?! The only one which would apply to the militant atheists would be New Year’s Day and if they are wishing everyone “Happy Holidays”, that’s more than one holiday which would be Christmas AND New Year’s Day. Very poorly thought out insult, I must say.

  9. Strangely hungry for a spaghetti dinner in Reunion tower now. Spaghetti eaten in the sky seems to taste better.

    What wine goes with that? Ripple? Boones Farm? MD-20/20 ?

  10. @BS — I always pray for atheists. Why? Because God is apparently on their minds and that’s a start, yes? Besides, I’m an optimist and an inveterate salesperson who believes that an objection is just a request for more information. 🙂

  11. It’s easy enough to troll atheists back. Put up a billboard making sure they come in to work on December 25th.

    Wouldn’t want you to violate your principles.

    I say this as an atheist. There is nothing currently brave or daring by offending Christians. Put up a sign for Ramadan or Eid al-Fitr.

    I’ll say this for anyone else. Some people are just assholes and are still mad their parents made them dress up on Sunday morning.

    You can’t reason your way into Faith. More people are reasoning their way out of it. Look at your church parking lots. Now there’s the #EmptySeats.

    That’s not meant to be a taunt. Churches have moved away from Faith and Scripture. Why would someone want to attend the rubbish that passes for many churches these days. Nobody wants to judge and tell someone they’re living wrong.

    Lack of faith is not all it’s cracked up to be. All I know of Christianity, is what I see from it’s practitioners. Be the missionary through your actions.

  12. Check Ann Bernhardt – She has posted “The Little Number of Those Who Are Saved”, Full Text, by St. Leonard of Port Maurice; this will provide you with the knowledge that so very many of those unbelievers are doomed, and those that believe are just as ill prepared for the thief in the night. I will Pray for us all and Fear the Lord. Merry Christmas.

  13. Are they going to put up signs mocking other religions? If not then someone can sue them for a disparate impact. Seriously, let’s start using the goofy laws that were enacted in the twentieth century. I am beginning to loose my patience with these people.

  14. @Cliche G — Sadly, all that you say is terribly convicting. We just ended our relationship with a church that we loved so much because their interpretation of doctrine was just so screwed up beyond belief. We miss the people, the music, the worship — all of it. But left the way it is, it is a cult and nothing more. It was so sad for us. We’d never quibble over scripture open to interpretation; this situation involved the very foundation of Christianity. We felt so dumb for not understanding this about this organization sooner. So sad.

  15. AA: I see it everyday. My wife was a devout, JP2 loving Catholic. After Ratzinger and the current commie, I see the toll being away from her faith is taking.

    Her church, the one we were married in, turned into so quick that I found her sitting at home with me on Sundays.

    The churches are infiltrated with far leftist “divinity school” grads. It was all for illegal immigration and asking people to call the representatives to repeal the 2A.

    I grew up in a strict Southern Baptist family. Our preacher lived across the street from us. He spoke the truth, lived it and believed it. After growing up around him, it was easy to spot the imitation.

    Like the government, what passes for churches these days are no place for decent men or women.

    This is my anecdotal take strictly on my observations in the buckle of the bible belt.

  16. I understand exacty what you’re saying. Yes, Christian churches are being corrupted by strange doctrines. People who proclaim to be Christian act nothing like those who trust and believe in Christ – unfortunately, they’re in every church.
    Church culture is already a minefield with clicks, jealousy, backstabbing and fights. Nothing new under the sun. These situations have been going on even during the Lord’s time on earth. That’s why I don’t focus on people. They can be a distraction and drain you. I keep my focus on my relationship with God. I have Faith in God alone. He gives me the patience and long-suffering endurance to deal with difficult “brothers and sisters” with love. On the other hand, reprobate, heretical doctrines should not be tolerated. Pray for a new church home that teaches the true tenets of Christianity. BTW, You don’t sound like an athiest or agnostic. More like a person who has been offended by people and disappointed in God. Knowing the True and Living God through Jesus Christ is our first priority. Try Him. His Love carries us through everything else.

  17. Wait – Cliche – “You can’t reason your way into faith.” This is simply not true. Reason leads us to belief because we can reason, through observation and logic, that nothing happens without a first Cause. Some One created us.

  18. 99: Not at all.

    Shrimp: I was speaking of faith as a feeling and a belief. It’s not something where you form a hypothesis, search for supporting evidence, and arrive at faith. “The touch of god”, “a spirit moving in you” are not things arrived at by a checklist of verifiable historical occurrences.

    What many people call atheism is more anti-theism.

  19. I don’t believe in either Leprechauns or Unicorns, but I’d never consider paying for a billboard decrying them.

    I kind of wonder about “Atheists” spending good money contradicting something they profess NOT to believe in. Doesn’t seem rational.

    Railing against something that doesn’t exist? That’s pretty stupid, isn’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  20. Cliche, standard definitions of words like “faith,” “belief,” and “feeling” make it easier to exchange ideas. The Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. defines these words, and I am giving short versions here.
    Faith – The acceptance of the word of another, trusting that one knows what the other is saying and is honest in telling the truth.
    Belief – The acceptance of something as true on a trustworthy person’s word. It differs from faith only in the stress on confidence in the one who is believed. Moreover, belief emphasizes the act of the will, which disposes one to believe, where faith is rather an act of the mind, which assents to what is believed.
    Feeling – A conscious state or experience…of the external or internal senses…often equated with emotion

    I have difficulty thinking of faith as a feeling. Divine faith is reasonable, rational, and not at all dependent on feelings.

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