Atlanta Police Chief Resigns, A Wendy’s Burned After Another Black Man Killed Resisting Arrest – IOTW Report

Atlanta Police Chief Resigns, A Wendy’s Burned After Another Black Man Killed Resisting Arrest


An Atlanta man was shot and killed in a confrontation with police at the Wendy’s restaurant on University Avenue on Friday night.

Rayshard Brooks, 27, was killed after police said he pointed a police taser at one of the officers as he was running away from them. It happened at around 10:30 p.m. on June 12.

Since that time, many major changes have happened in the city with the resignation of Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields and the termination of one of the officers involved. More

42 Comments on Atlanta Police Chief Resigns, A Wendy’s Burned After Another Black Man Killed Resisting Arrest

  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaannnd of course whutcha don’t hear is the rest of the story that he was drunk, combative and fighting with the Police… meanwhile we get to watch the animals set off on a nuther wave of rioting, burning, looting and maiming with the absolute impunity of immunity under the protection of the Complicit Bought & Paid For, Lying Knee-Pad Media and their fellow travelers AKA democRATz! Welcome to the New Communizm of the Øbamboozler and his Leftist Progressive Vermin!

  2. All police officers know that most of the time when they are called to a fast food outlet because someone is sleeping in their car it is actually an intoxicated person, passed out from too much alcohol or overloaded on drugs. It happens all the time, with the people in line calling the cops, because the car ahead is not moving forward. Most of the time it doesn’t result in the the fast food service being interrupted by a riot.

  3. …yeah, the guy falling drunkenly asleep and blocking the drive-thru lane, then fighting the police when he’s woken up, taking a weapon from an officer and getting shot AFTER POINTING IT AT THEM is TOTALLY Wendy’s fault, so let’s burn THAT shit down, yuh-huh…

    …N.B. to Wendys…make dual lanes or post signs saying they may shut down without warning as they are now apparently designated didndu drunk drowser lanes now…

  4. …also, watch and see if Wendy’s doesn’t change their policy from calling the Police for drunks to designating some hapless minimum-wage employee or poorly paid shift manager to try to rouse them instead…bet we’ll never hear about the ensuing ass-beatings THOSE guys get, although they will be LEGION because drunk/high people do NOT like to have their buzz killed and certainly CAN react violently, ask me how I know…

  5. The end result will be cops will be even more hesitant to shoot a black criminal. Consequently, every black criminal will know this and resist arrest. Cops will be left o choice but to let black criminals go, or not detain them in the first place. Black crime will skyrocket, but the stats will actually show fewer Black arrests and imprisonments. Obama’s plan will be accomplished.

  6. With everything going on, that cop that shot him was really showing bad judgement and should have been very aware of what would be coming when he did it.

    Maybe it was justifiable under their rules, or maybe it wasn’t, but being justifiable doesn’t mean it’s the prudent thing to do.

  7. For the last month Tacoma WA mayor Victoria Woodard has been invested in inculcating the same sense of outrage over a drugged out moron who was running up and down the street pulling people out of their vehicles and then lifted a police officer off the ground and body slammed him on the asphalt assumed room temperature.

    Thankfully her motivation is so far being recognized for what it obviously is.

  8. “Cops will be left o choice but to let black criminals go, or not detain them in the first place.”

    No different than in England with the Muslims, and England is a peaceful place with little reported crime.

  9. “With everything going on, that cop that shot him was really showing bad judgement and should have been very aware of what would be coming when he did it.

    Maybe it was justifiable under their rules, or maybe it wasn’t, but being justifiable doesn’t mean it’s the prudent thing to do.”

    Are you fucking kidding me? This must be why you are Anonymous. We don’t stop enforcing laws because of how it may appear you fucking idiot! That is what has allowed the riots to continue. And yes riots, burning buildings and killing cops is not a protest fuckhead. Good Lord. But I guess “stupid is as stupid does”, and man are you stupid.

  10. ” But I guess “stupid is as stupid does”, and man are you stupid.”

    OK, OK, I take it back.

    Cops should be doubling down on killing unarmed Blacks by shooting them in the back while they are running away every chance they get.

    It’s the only way we’ll ever see peace and tranquility return to our cities.

    Fucking moron.

  11. “I don’t think that whites would riot and loot and burn everything to the ground in that case.”

    Maybe whites should; steal the thunder from the feral’s so they can see what real RAGE looks like. Let’s get this shit done.

  12. “Cops should be doubling down on killing unarmed Blacks by shooting them in the back while they are running away every chance they get.”

    Nice strawman you made there. Perfect for torching somebody else’s property. How about you go make mud pies instead?

  13. “” But I guess “stupid is as stupid does”, and man are you stupid.”

    OK, OK, I take it back.

    Cops should be doubling down on killing unarmed Blacks by shooting them in the back while they are running away every chance they get.

    It’s the only way we’ll ever see peace and tranquility return to our cities.

    Fucking moron.”

    You motherfucking idiot, he had taken a taser from the police and was trying to use it on them. If you are going to be an idiot, no matter what color you are, you should suffer the consequences.

    You really are “Stupid is as stupid does” and you bring nothing to society you piece of shit. Fuck you, and if the world has been unlucky enough for you to have reproduced, fuck your kids and the attitude you have given them too.

  14. Making mud pies is probably challenging the height of their constructive abilities! I can show you neighborhoods that were burned out in 1967 that are still burnt-out shit-holes today because of ZERO gumption, resourcefulness, creativity and ability! I mean you’d think after over a half of a century they could figure out how to build something and it ain’t because of a lack of money!

  15. Wendy’s?

    How could anyone tell that he’d fallen asleep and that’s what was holding up the line? Wendy’s is so fuckin slow, I didn’t think anyone would notice a dead-drunk sleeping in his car!

    Mebee theyz bez impatient thar in ‘Lanta …

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Not to jack the thread. But I’m just glad there are so many that self-identify as Smartican-Americans. November’s right around the corner. And we need a MAGAslide!

  17. Strange place to stop. He could have been drunk/asleep… overdosing… or ill.

    Couldn’t they have just called a tow truck and yanked him and his car out of there?

  18. @ Hunter
    Exactly, and had he used it on the cop the cop would of been dead. You grab that and you should get smoked. It matters not what color you are.
    Also, looters need to be shot on site. They don’t care if you loose everything and you are killed. Then why not shoot them?


    Dumb assed actions inside the perimeter that give out terminal prizes reflect badly on the sane people in the Atlanta area that live outside the stupid zone.

    The Police Chief: good riddance. She will make big bucks with a book and as a consultant.

    The ATL Mayor: She needs to follow Erika’s example. Atlanta has had over 50 years of failure democrat leadership.

  20. Agreed Tsquared”; live way north of the perimeter. All the south side rioters are waking up about now saying “dahm, wher I gonna get a baconator and a quart before tunites riot? racists” This needs to stop!

  21. The video was actually kind of funny, him trying to explain why he was asleep, not knowing where he was, drinking only one margarita to one and half daiquiris back to one and half margaritas, up until they went to cuff him and he went nuts, ended up with their taser and turned to try and use it on them, which is what got him shot.

    People need to start thinking rationally, don’t fight the cops, don’t steal their gun or taser, don’t fire either one at them and you will live to fight another day.

    I’m one of the most critical you will find about many cops, because I know or have known many bad cops and not because I was ever a thug or been in trouble with the law. It came from having so many family in LE. Those cops arresting business owners and moms in parks are the type that would do some dirty shit. However, when you threaten a cop’s life you deserve what you get.

    Those idiots yelling at the cops after he was shot kind of deserved to find themselves at the end of the taser as well. He did do something you idiots, he wasn’t shot for no reason.

    Start shooting all of these idiots, black and white that are terrorizing cities across the country. That is the only way you’re going to stop it, kill enough of them to make the rest think twice.


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