Atlanta Spa Shooter Claims Sex Addition Drove Him, The Left Disagrees – IOTW Report

Atlanta Spa Shooter Claims Sex Addition Drove Him, The Left Disagrees

Chicago Tribune

A day after the shootings, investigators were trying to unravel what might have compelled 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long to commit the worst mass killing in the U.S. in almost two years.

Long told police that Tuesday’s attack was not racially motivated. He claimed to have a “sex addiction,” and authorities said he apparently lashed out at what he saw as sources of temptation. But those statements spurred outrage and widespread skepticism given the locations and that six of the eight victims were women of Asian descent. More

Fox News

National Democrats rushed to Twitter on Wednesday to blame “White supremacy” and “racism” for the mass shooting spree that targeted massage parlors in the Atlanta area, but police officials say the suspect claimed the deadly shootings were not racially motivated. More

Washington Post also refuses to let go of racist / Trump drove him to it narrative. Here

19 Comments on Atlanta Spa Shooter Claims Sex Addition Drove Him, The Left Disagrees

  1. You know they are staying up at night trying to link him to President Trump or the Right in any way possible. The fact that he is mentally ill, according to them, had nothing to do with it.

  2. The left wants to introduce sex education starting as early as preschool. They want to encourage gender change and abortion without parental notification. An oscar winner chts off her breasts and declares she is a man and the media runs with it and labels her as a hero and applauds her bravery. But its racism when you’re a screwed up sexual deviate.

  3. Don’t matter anyway.
    The gun did it.
    Just like a turgid phallus, it raised itself up when it saw those lovely small hands and started shooting all over the place,

  4. I don’t put too much credence into what people say they are. But the left shows extreme hypocricy, as usual, in this matter.

    A five year old boy says he is a girl, and all the leftists and psychologists in the world scream to his parents he really is a girl and is a prime candidate for a sex-change operation.

  5. Strange how little has come out about a kid who murdered 6 members of the newest sacted victim group. Like, who did he vote for in 2020

    Im guessing it wasnt Trump

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