Atlantic writer experiences “a kind of paralysis” choosing orange juice – IOTW Report

Atlantic writer experiences “a kind of paralysis” choosing orange juice

“What people really need is less choice, not more,” explains Atlantic writer who experiences “a kind of paralysis” choosing orange juice.

Worst case of PTSD (Post Traumatic Shopping Disorder) I’ve ever seen. Also the first case.

On a recent afternoon, while running errands before I had to pick up my kids from school, I froze in the orange-juice aisle of a big-box store.

I feel like this is less of an opportunity to consider writing an article on the burdens of choice and more an opportunity to consider calling child services.

So many different brands lay before me: Minute Maid, Simply, Tropicana, Dole, Florida’s Natural, Sunny D — not to mention the niche organic labels.

It gets worse for author Adam Fleming Petty, who is, yes, a full grown adult man, or at least that’s what it says on his driver’s license. more here

47 Comments on Atlantic writer experiences “a kind of paralysis” choosing orange juice

  1. What if an armed burglar entered his home.
    I can only imagine if the choices were between life or death. He couldn’t make a decision.
    He certainly would be dead.
    Fortunately, he would be shed of his childlike anxiety.

  2. What big box store has has choice of orange juice. From what I have seen they usually have Minute Maid in the Infantry division size and maybe one or two specialty brands.

    It sounds more like this guy is of the “You will have less and like it” school of thought.

    Different orange juices have different tastes — especially those made from concentrate.

    Does this guy have a problem with 38 types of coffee at Starbucks?

  3. Pack your shit and go to North Korea, maybe Cuba. Citizens there are not overwhelmed by having to choose which orange juice. Their usual choices hover somewhere between NO CHOICE at all and sneak out back and hope you don’t get shot for stealing the orange.

  4. It is actually the illusion of choice anyway – most of the products are made by the same handful of big companies just under different labels. They’ve gone and bought up most brands but keep the brand name to fool you into not knowing it is really Kraft, or whatever.

  5. “What people really need is less choice, not more,” explains Atlantic writer who experiences “a kind of paralysis” choosing orange juice.

    A common complaint from people who grew up in or idealize centralized command-and-control economies. This was especially true for Russian immigrants — they basically experienced choice overload and couldn’t deal with it.

  6. There is an ammo store in southern Commiefornia I have been to a few times. Pretty much all they sell is bulk ammo and they having grocery store style shopping carts for your browsing pleasure. I DID have some trouble deciding on what to buy, but enjoyed the dilemma of having all of the choices available. 😁👍🏻

  7. Anonymous AT 12:46 PM
    “It is actually the illusion of choice anyway – most of the products are made by the same handful of big companies just under different labels.”

    …I’m in the food biz. I work for a red label manufacturer. You’ve never heard of this company but I can guarantee you’ve bought its products. Big name companies don’t like to run factories so they go to no nanes like us to actually run their product.

    …so you’re not entirely right, but you’re not wrong, either…

  8. What we need are far more choices in political parties, far greater representation in the US House, and far more taken from the hands of government and restored to the marketplace.

  9. Why stop at single choice stores?

    There should be PERSONAL single choice stores.

    I should have a store dedicated to just the items I buy. Nothing more, nothing less. Walk in, extend my arm out into the shelf and fill the cart without even looking what falls in it.

    All those items I have no interest in shouldn’t sway my decision making. The store shouldn’t even have orange juice because I don’t drink it!

    I mean, if we’re going to get all batshit crazy…

  10. As Marxists say, why do we need all these brands of toothpaste, for example? We need just one brand from a government owned factory. One brand is good for all.

    Yep, they despise choice except when it comes to killing babies. Even then, they would prefer no choice at all…”killing the baby is the only option you women have”.

  11. Shew! Which orange shit to buy? Yes, Mr Manderin… totally, completely, 100%, of the highest water a seething, reeking, pustule covered, monkeypox having retarded, useless, cunting FAGGOT!

  12. He’s announcing a new leftist talking point to push their equality agenda.

    Too many factories making too many products is killing the planet and oppressing people of color.

    “What do we want?
    Fewer choices in the OJ aisle!
    When do we want it?
    During the 2024 election season!”

  13. CATO

    Faced that choice many times in ’67,’68. Never took a nanosecond to decide. That i type tells you I dispatched some “to Their Maker”! Never lost a second sleep afterwards.

  14. Conservative cowgirl

    Where? I live in SoCl. May want to get paralyzed.

    No; right side was paralyzed with Polio for 6 months 78 years ago. No fun!

    For youg uns that was befor Salt vaccine!

  15. I must have missed a name or something. All through the comments people refer to he-him to refer to the lame paralyzed by roo much choice.

    I read it as a pill mom or a wine mom writing, I mean whining. I must be a sexist. If I’m broke I buy cheapest, whimsical, try organic, showing off, most expensive… most of the time I grab what’s closest to hand and let the wife tell me to put it back if she doesn’t like it. It’s OJ. Liquor, that’s different.

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