ATM workers forget bag of cash – IOTW Report

ATM workers forget bag of cash

Man drives off with $150K

money bag


MAHWAH, N.J. (AP) – Police say a man drove off with a bag containing $150,000 in cash after two employees who were replenishing ATMs mistakenly left it on a lawn in northern New Jersey.

18 Comments on ATM workers forget bag of cash

  1. Sometime after 11:15 a.m. Monday, surveillance video shows a passenger in a white van grabbing the bag.

    I am offended.

    How did this turn into a “man” for the headline?

    Are they totally fer sure?

  2. There are people who would kill someone for $50 bucks. I would start watching ATM’s for the refill guys. How hard could it be to take them out.
    They should be in an armoured vehicle with trained security.

  3. Oh, man. That happens to me alllll the time. Leavin’ $150,000 in bags here, the next day it’s $250,000 there. No wonder I don’t have enough gas money to fill my 747, yacht AND my Hummer!

    I hate when that happens.

  4. Well, the day after I gave my two week notice as a manager of a retail store (36 years ago) , I was leaving with the day’s deposits plus all the jackets I had accumulated at the store from recent early morning rides in cold weather on my GS750 to the store.

    I placed the deposit bag on the Queen seat while I bundled the jackets and bungied them to the rack behind the back rest.

    Usually I secured the bag’s lock between the seat and the gas tank while I drove to the bank – but nooo, this time I was distracted by my thoughts and tasks and just swung my leg over, cranked the engine, and took off for the bank – with the bag still resting on top of the seat behind me.

    Needless to say, it wasn’t where I expected it to be when I arrived at the drive-up lanes at the bank. Re-tracing the path was fruitless – it was gone.

    Sh*t happens. Luckily it was less than $1,300.00. I can only imagine the crap I would have went through for $150k

    Oh yeah, they said it was OK that I didn’t finish the whole two weeks I gave notice for and let me take that job I had waiting ahead of time. What nice guys they were,

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