ATTENTION – The Hack Seems To Be Over – IOTW Report

ATTENTION – The Hack Seems To Be Over

Earlier today we were alerted by some readers about by a Malware Warning being triggered by their virus detection software.

Tonight it’s gone full bore. It’s not just us. Gateway is getting it, Pamela Geller is getting it… etc.

I do not share a server with them. So this is coordinated by someone.

It may be a Google thing.


Stay tuned, and in the meantime, be rest assured our site is not dangerous.

The server did a full scan and we are clean.

36 Comments on ATTENTION – The Hack Seems To Be Over

  1. I hate being a pussy. What do we need to do to counter attack? Guns, knives? I’m in.

    It’s probably American Injuns. Excuse me, Indigenous People.
    I’m up for Cowboys and Indigenous People too. LET’S GET IT ON.

  2. Speaking of terrorist Mall Attacks. Ever hear the name Inayat Kassam? He’s a competitive Pistol Shooter that lives in Nairobi. During the first West Gate Mall terrorist Attack he called some of his fellow competitors and while the Military a coppers were establishing a command center, rushed past them into the Mall saved and countless lives. What are the odds? He just did it again at the same mall. Great story and way under reported. A good guy with a gun. Google his name.

  3. I use Bing (Browser) but use DuckDuckGo (search engine)
    I don’t know DDG’s politics and who they screw at night, but they’re the least annoying when it comes to searches. A lot quicker and smoother than Screwgle and Bing.

  4. I use Brave for my browser, Duck Duck Go for mt search engine, and eSet (subscription) for my antivirus.
    If you want free, BitDefender free is highly rated by Consumer Reports (if that means anything to you.

  5. I’m used to it…every time I open a post here some POS ad opens a tab on my browser no matter what I try to do to block that shit.

    And if it’s on my phone which uses Chrome it’s ever worse!

  6. Could it be……..SATAN???

    Well yes, if Zuckerberg is involved.

    I still think antivirus and anti malware can’t be dealt with by software. The only solution is a star chamber and a precision hit squad. Then publish it.

    You think it’s a risk free enterprise to fuck with our systems? You think you can’t be found? You think this is a game?

    We snuffed these little twats and we’ve declared war on you. (Post some pics)

    So far we’ve played defense. Now we’re officially on offense. So far it’s a penalty free game.

  7. Mary Jane….. I have tried *hard* with…… I am just disgusted by the entire page of commercial ads it displays first. I hate the idea of google, but it seems to do the best job, pulling what I want.

    Can I program DuckDuck, somehow, to do a better job? ….Lady in Red

  8. Long format,

    Don’t blame Google for this:
    Search: Acosta is writing a book
    About 88 results
    Hahahahahaha! Acosta is writing a book! – >>>> Cached <<<<<<
    4 hours ago … CNN's @Acosta has been working on a book for months. It's coming out June 11.
    Title: "The Enemy of the People: A Dangerous Time to Tell the. . ."

    But. . . . . . .

    DO blame them for this:
    404. That’s an error.

    The requested URL search "CACHE" was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

    That is censorship because the direct link is not accesible unless you BUY the security certificate to go there.

    The Web is deeper into your wallets then ever imagined.

    FUX EM. We don't need FAKE security certificates for HTTP.

    This isn't a BANK.
    It's ALL FAKE

    Their H.t.t.p.s is a CASH COW Smoke Screen.

    Smoke That.

  9. I know that most of us do not want the Fed’s to interfere in most any thing but this has to stop.
    They have to be called news providers and fall under the rules of the FCC,they have all said that they “Provide News”.
    All of this is a run up to 2020 to shut down all sites that don’t toe the left’s agenda.
    Its time to start breaking them up, they control too much of the content on the web.
    They have so much money that they buy anything that looks like it could be a threat to them.
    Google should have never been able to buy you tube just for a start.

  10. Apropos of nothing, the names of things, today, are bizarre…. ….like all the strange new drugs they advertise on tv where you should “ask your doctor if you feel like you are about to die….”

    ….and then, the stupid, meaningless names like Google, and Bing, and DuckDuckGo…. Once I owned a domain name: BearBean. …it was a website to feed still pics — lovely advertising-like pics — to parents from cameras mounted in their child’s day care center.

    …Lady in Red

  11. Using my phone… I’m stuck with some Google BS. Android OS & Chrome.

    Years ago, when Google first started I said…”it’s a communist plot to take over the world.” It appears I was correct.

    I use DuckDuckGo along with Dogpile for search engines.

  12. .45-70 I have an iphone. An oooold iphone. lol.
    They have Safari built in as yours does Chrome.
    You’re stuck with the operating system, but you can still go to GooglePlay and download a different browser app. Shit, download 10 different ones if you like. I have Safari, Firefox and one other I forget. I could go all the way over to the kitchen to see, but, lazy.

  13. @ BFH – was going to inquire so thanks for kinda explaining…

    I got the RED WARNING (said to self WHO is FUCKING with us) screen hit the ‘details’ tab an proceeded to ‘an’ UNSAFE site.

    I could not FEEL MORE ‘SAFESPACE’ AT IOTW!!!

    That said dark times…


  14. Control-Alt-Delete
    Select Task Manager,
    End the offending task,
    Has always worked. Have not used any A/V junk for over a decade.
    Only browser I use is Firefox with Ghostery.
    never went the Android I phone route.
    Best surfing to all, regards

  15. OK…Complete imbecile here. I used ad block for years after my experience with microsoft and then I started “whitelisting” certain sites (IOTWREPORT. PATRIOT RETORT, DAILLY CALLER)…very few….
    In the last few weeks I kept getting a bunch of crap on my Apple computer so I wiped a couple off of my whitelist….Patriot report is clean….IOTWREPORT is yet to be determined, but Dailly Caller seems to be a filthy ad generating loader of puke, snot and boils….The rude pop- ups have gone away since the Daily Caller went away…

  16. Only issue I’ve ever encountered here at IOTW was if trying to edit a comment which resulted in a pop-up from the previous link and a IOTW blank screen.
    Close the blank IOTW screen and back click on the pop-up. Than the IOTW edit comes up fine. It’s not IOTW, it’s from any other link gone too.

  17. MJA January 24, 2019 at 10:46 pm
    ‘That HTTPS shit is complete bullshit.’

    Only less than half of it.
    It’s how they control what is read wrighted, doo or seed, everywhere, if you let them.


    ‘SECURITY’ Online is FAKE
    A Government License you will STAND for in an online monkey line to Buy with Yet TBD Bitcoins

  18. I am a terrible techno-boob. Don’t have an iPhone, not interested in getting one. I use Google on my computer because I don’t know how to use anything else. Something very strange started happening this week— I am getting pop-ups when I’m in Word. Happened three times. Anybody have any idea what’s up with that??


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