Attorney demands Biden retract ‘false accusation’ that Kenosha shooter is ‘white supremacist’ – IOTW Report

Attorney demands Biden retract ‘false accusation’ that Kenosha shooter is ‘white supremacist’

Just The News:

Lin Wood represents Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged in the death of two men during the August riots in Kenosha, Wisc. Wood also represents Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, and defended Richard Jewell, the security guard falsely accused in the Atlanta Olympic bombing in 1996.

Atlanta attorney Lin Wood is demanding presidential candidate Joe Biden retract a reference to Kyle Rittenhouse as a white supremacist.

So far, no word from the Biden campaign, and a request for comment was not immediately answered. MORE HERE

7 Comments on Attorney demands Biden retract ‘false accusation’ that Kenosha shooter is ‘white supremacist’

  1. Biden lies and says he’d be POTUS for all Americans (suggesting Trump is not) while at the same time throwing a 17 year old that was violently attacked by his party and could have easily lost his own life had he not been armed under the bus, tainting his ability to get a fair trial all to benefit his himself. He is a disgusting individual, certainly not someone that deserve to be elected. I hope they sue the crap out of him and his campaign and win.

  2. Kyle Rittenhouse is not a “Kenosha Shooter”! He was defending himself! A “shooter” is a designation for someone who goes on a rampage and initiates an attack with a gun.

    I detest that writers have adopted the twisted language of the Left.


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