Attorney General Barr to hold live press conference at 9:30 am ahead of release of redacted Muller report – IOTW Report

Attorney General Barr to hold live press conference at 9:30 am ahead of release of redacted Muller report

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12 Comments on Attorney General Barr to hold live press conference at 9:30 am ahead of release of redacted Muller report

  1. No matter what the report contains, the Left will interpret it to show that Trump engaged in all kinds if illegal activities and a reason for even more intensive investigation of what is probably the most investigated world leader in human history.

  2. msNBC Mika and Joe looked like they were ready to cry at the handoff to Brian Williams. They know what’s coming. Brian Williams has Nicolle ‘Spits’ Wallace on. The ‘Fear’ is palpable.

  3. Twatter is alive and well with “Barr coverup” for Trump. It never ends with the Dems. They are so messed up. That bs media clownfest should have taken then rx meds prior to sitting in on the conference.

    The sad faces on the media is funny as shit.

  4. I loved his comment to the reporter about “was there a precedent?”


    “Then it can’t be unprecedented!” He is too smart for them. “Will let Mueller testify?” “Sure” HaHaHa

  5. The bottom line is there was “NO COLLUSION or OBSTRUCTION” by President Trump or his campaign. Barr stated the DOJ worked hand-in-hand with Mueller & his investigative attorneys on the redactions. Barr also stated Mueller included his own summaries in the report why there was no collusion or obstruction. Barr also stated that the redacted version was sent to the White House so President Trump could cite other redactions due to Executive Privilege, which President Trump declined to do. Since President Trump did not do this & Barr stated President Trump had no influence over the other redactions, that were required by law, which Barr stated which law applied at each reaction & was written into the report at each redaction. The “Prog Heads” will now really be exploding because they’ll have no “Screaming Points”, since Barr stated President Trump had no influence & is totally exonerated in this report.

  6. Let the Lefty games commence…the nitwits like Nadler (yet another nudge who was probably stuffed in a trashcan in Junior High because he annoyed everyone around him) will try every un-Constitutional attempt to make hay from nothing, using the ever-present lefty tactic of twisting words and logic and law to make their thinly veiled vacuous point. Sore losers…the whole lot of them…when all their lives they have been told they are winners.

    No amount of evidence to the contrary will stop these people from their “Give us Barabbas!” rabble cry to protect their own illegal activity. They are mental in plain view…no amount of reality will change their rabid minds.


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