Attorney General Won’t Say If Grand Jury Has Been Convened in Hillary Investigation – IOTW Report

Attorney General Won’t Say If Grand Jury Has Been Convened in Hillary Investigation

loretta lynch baier

Attorney General Loretta Lynch refused to tell Fox News’ Bret Baier whether a grand jury has been convened in the Hillary Clinton investigation.

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11 Comments on Attorney General Won’t Say If Grand Jury Has Been Convened in Hillary Investigation

  1. There hasn’t been one yet, but we will know when it is empanelled for sure.That is not a secret that can be kept very long. The janitor on the 4th floor will know by lunchtime what’s going on in court room # 6…. as will every bartender, barber, yoga instructor, Pilates coach, and long lost relatives within whispering distance of FBI headquarters and the DOJ Building.

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell anyone…….. but……

  2. Further proof that the Republic is, indeed, dead.

    That the likes of this Affirmative Action Stooge could be appointed to, and approved for, Attorney General of the United States is absurd.

  3. All I see is another Obama puppet like all the others…..the words coming from her pie hole are really the puppetmeister’s….just like Lois “I plead the 5th” Lerner, Susan “It was a video” Rice, Hillary “What difference does it make” Clinton, etc. They all get a pass and cover for each other.

  4. “Attorney General Won’t Say If Grand Jury Has Been Convened in Hillary Investigation”

    That’s because America knows the jury has been specially hand-selected.

  5. In libspeak, this translates to, “There IS a grand jury, but it would be too embarrassing to say so.”

    Cf. Anthony Weiner, ca. May 2011: “I can’t say if that’s my crotch in the picture.” That was when I knew for sure that it couldn’t possibly be anyone else’s crotch.

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