Attorneys General from Virginia and Missouri, and Wyoming Secretary of State Launch Investigations into ActBlue – IOTW Report

Attorneys General from Virginia and Missouri, and Wyoming Secretary of State Launch Investigations into ActBlue


The Attorneys General of Virginia and Missouri, along with the Secretary of State of Wyoming, have announced simultaneous investigations into ActBlue over allegations of a money laundering scheme.

Investigative journalist James O’Keefe III broke his first major investigation in March 2023 since the launch of O’Keefe Media Group.

The legendary journalist released a video from his investigation of the Democrat’s VAST network of donation harvesters. more

8 Comments on Attorneys General from Virginia and Missouri, and Wyoming Secretary of State Launch Investigations into ActBlue

  1. The “reaction” may be gaining steam.
    The States need to re-assert themselves in the political scheme – for the States are the foundation of the Republic – the Republic is NOT the foundation of the nation.
    Since, We the People (the Sovereign who “ordained and established” this Republic), appear to be unable, unwilling, or too disinterested to assert our authority UNDER THE CONSTITUTION, we must fall back to the Several States to do so.
    I am encouraged (no, not satisfied) by these actions and hope that other states will join in the resurrection of the United States of America.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Elections won’t resolve our problems because of leftist schemes like this. The states must exert serious resistance to the Federal Government before things will change. Individuals lack the power. If 15-states simply said NO to Federal mandates, laws and regulations it would force the Feds to put up or shut up. We’d then see just how far the Feds are willing to go to enforce their insanity. Then the people could proceed accordingly.


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