The left are intolerant shitbags. I’ve seen comedians for decades do jokes about conservative politicians and I don’t recall ever hearing someone even boo from the audience.
But not the left. They are on the left because their personality type is one that if something makes them uncomfortable they lash out. They are not good citizens.
Stepping back and looking at the world in its disorder, I think tribes and tall walls are the best solution. Merging different mindsets just can’t cut it.
Fu@k’em if they can’t take a joke!
Shut down biden joke?
Like, remove that clown and restore the real President?!
I San Fransicko??
Whut he needs is a basket of butt-plugs to throw at assholes like that!
“Here, put this in your mouth and shut the f#ck up!”
On second thought, make that a basket of used butt-plugs!
That was rich, a conservative comedian cracking jokes about their demented leader. He needs more practice on how to be more lethal with those people. Maybe he needs a Carlin/Chappelle type of approach with that crowd.
Statler and Waldorf he ain’t.
Fuck Joe Biden!
Fuck Donald Jackass Trump more.
my pres. did not shower with his daughter, how about yours – assholes?
He sure did muslin boy.
m.fuah, anonymous called you a piece of plain woven cotton! Them’s FIGHTING WORDS!
Goats would be better than Big Mike.