Audio Evidence Suggests a Possible Second Shooter – IOTW Report

Audio Evidence Suggests a Possible Second Shooter


16 Comments on Audio Evidence Suggests a Possible Second Shooter

  1. I know just a bit about acoustic analysis. I wouldn’t even start without the original recording. Digital audio from a streaming, satellite, broadcast source is eat up with format translation artifacts.

    He may well be onto something, but I’d never make a statement myself without the original.

  2. @ Lowell SUNDAY, 21 JULY 2024, 20:50 AT 8:50 PM

    That has been my inclination. The guy doing the audio analysis who is referenced impresses me as doing as well as he can with what he has available. I have watched his videos and he does a good job of giving me things to ponder, I’m very skeptical of accepting anyone’s conclusions though. Is advise others to do likewise.

  3. I don’t know shit about acoustic analysis. But I’m rock solid mechanically. And a avid, rabid, shooter. That crack out of the muzzle of a 223/556 is like no other. Hard to explain, but in my mind you would need to account for the origin and plot the flat surfaces that are going to echo that report.
    Not that any of this matters. It was a state sponsored murder attempt.

  4. @Brad: You know I’m a shooter too. Muzzle reports have a signature, just as you said. The guy in the referenced video seems to know a bit himself. I think you could definitively state if there were more than one shooter if they were at different ranges and or firing different caliber weapons. If you have the original audio. Not having that is a big handicap.

  5. Interesting. There’s a bunch of posts on Instagram of half a dozen people saying they were screaming at the cops on the “Second Floor” about the guy below them on the roof and they never responded. At the time I had no idea what the “Second floor” was. This might explain it.

  6. Lowell
    “If you have the original audio.” Totally agree. If you change the angle of that muzzle 5 degrees it will sound different from the same point of reference. However, this was obviously not the case here. I think if they were serious about it they’d just filter out the crowd noise.

  7. @Brad: You know I’m a shooter too.

    Pretty sure I could learn a few things from you. I’d just love to shoot with you sometime. The great thing about trying to get good with a gun, especially a pistol, is you never quite get to where you want to be. It’s an on going quest.

  8. Mike Adams, The Health Ranger? Now he’s an acoustic gun shot expert? That asshole never been right about a damn thing he’s ever typed. Please peeps for my sanity be more selective in your shit. For fucks sake.

  9. Absolutey was a second shooter. The bozo they killed was a useful idiot. I heard seperate rifles – and that was before the SS shot the useful idiot.

  10. I’ll hold out for the ballistic elevation diagrams, and possible ballistics reports on bullet jackets (knowing going in that this requires recovering rather intact bullets, and the “science” is somewhere this side of palm reading).

  11. I was at a massive shooting range in WV yesterday (Peacemaker). Guns of all types were being fired all around me at different stations (pistol, close range, long range, open barrel and suppressed). While I was there I thought about this audio from last week and contemplated what I heard.
    Obviously three firearms.
    First three shots sound muffled, like fired from a location separated by a wooded area or structures from the recording device.
    Second volley – small caliber rifle close by but aimed away from the recording device.
    Last shot – suppressed, large caliber rifle

  12. PS – I hit a steel target at 450 yards with my Remington Gamemaster 30.06 compensating for a 38″ drop by holding over. First shot hit the ground below the target and gave me a drop estimate. After compensating….ding!


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