Audio Recording of LA County Health Director Exposes The Reason For The COVID Lockdown – IOTW Report

Audio Recording of LA County Health Director Exposes The Reason For The COVID Lockdown

Daily Wire

On Wednesday, audio surfaced of Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer saying that K-12 schools in America’s largest county likely will not open until after the November election.

KFI News radio reporter Steve Gregory said he received a partial audio recording of a conference call between Dr. Ferrer and “a collection of school nurses, school administrators, other education and medical professionals.”

During that discussion, Ferrer indicated that she does not expect schools to reopen before the November election. More

18 Comments on Audio Recording of LA County Health Director Exposes The Reason For The COVID Lockdown

  1. If any Democrats win in November, it will only prove that that their tactics worked. The riots and shutdowns will only continue until they wipe out Capitalism,the Bill of Rights, and Constitution.
    Global socialism will be here for good, short of a civil war.

  2. The collectivists use this tactic a lot: take a kernel of fact, wrap it in lies, misinterpret its meaning, and use it to maximum advantage. When anyone decries the lies and misinterpretation, the critic is accused of challenging that kernel of fact.

    It isn’t just the left collectivists that do this, right collectivists are guilty as well. Just think of what was perpetrated on us after 9/11. Anybody who was against, for example, the USA PATRIOT Act was accused of wanting to leave our country open to further attacks, and those who criticized the govt’s unconstitutional laws were told that “the Constitution is not a suicide pact”. Reasonable and constitutional proposals were shouted down. Many of the components of the new laws were proposed before 9/11 but failed to pass because of their obvious flaws, but pointing this out as an example of “never lett a crisis go to waste” was sneered at as unpatriotic or at least unpatriotic.

    But today it’s mostly the left that gets away with this, largely because of the left’s heavy influence on what news and ideas receive widespread distribution.

  3. …is there an “ugly deviant” requirement to lead a health department?

    …because they ALL are just that, ugly deviants, makes me wonder if that fact makes them enjoy making people who are NOT ugly deviants suffer when they can, so they do…

  4. The Dems have claimed that the riots will continue if Trump is elected.
    So by the rule of Democrat double speak, the riots will continue if “they” are elected.
    Also, what is future for a BLM/Antifa protestors? They’re suddenly going to go get a real job……….

  5. It’s as plain as day. Her demarcation point is a political event, not real data about the state of CV19 in the county.

    Why? Because she’s a Leftist and is abusing her office; using CV19 as a cudgel, destroying lives and livlihoods, just as the rest of the Blue state officials are.

  6. Here’s more proof of state officials abusing their authority and offices: LA just tried to ban Trick-or-Treating but when they got too much blow-back, the ban was quickly rescinded. If there was compelling evidence that TorT was going to lead to CV19 deaths, the City wouldn’t have made such a hasty and obvious retreat based on public sentiment. These gov’t officials are just abusing their power and their offices for political gain. It’s absolutely sickening; exploiting a real health concern as a pretext for their arbitrary and capricious and petty tyranny.

    Why aren’t we storming their offices with charges of abuse?

  7. When I read the linked article I laughed at this one:

    “I got a response back that is basically this word salad,” Gregory said. “It’s one big long paragraph of a word salad. It’s not even worth reading because all that it said was, ‘we’re reassessing all of the time, and as soon as we do the in-person learning with the high risk, high needs students, the special needs, we will reassess for everyone else.’ That was their official answer as to when the schools were going to reopen.”

    Looks like they are following in the footsteps of pedo-joe…. just keep speaking in tongues until people go away.


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