Audio-taped deposition of Mifsud- why he targeted Papadopoulos, who directed him – IOTW Report

Audio-taped deposition of Mifsud- why he targeted Papadopoulos, who directed him


Mifsud is the Russia-linked Maltese academic, who is also known to spy for Western intelligence. He is accused of attempting to entrap President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign official George Papadopoulos at the behest of the Obama Justice Department.

John Solomon, an executive editor at The Hill, confirmed the information.

“I can report absolutely that the Durham investigators have now obtained an audio-taped deposition of Joseph Mifsud where he describes his work, why he targeted Papadopoulos, who directed him to do that, what directions he was given and why he set that entire process of introducing George Papadopoulos to Russia in motion in March of 2016 — which is really the flashpoint, the start point of this whole Russia collusion narrative,” John Solomon revealed Thursday on Fox News.


10 Comments on Audio-taped deposition of Mifsud- why he targeted Papadopoulos, who directed him

  1. No hurry. It’s only been 2.5 years and only a year out from the next election so all these investigations can be killed or dropped.

    Time is of the essence whether you move at the speed of government or not.

  2. So Joseph Mifsud and Stefan Halper disappear for over a year, and then suddenly, they were never really gone, and Mifsud is the center of attention. What about Halper? Is he going to pop up again? He’s as deep in this shit as Mifsud.

  3. I’ve tried to stay optimistic that justice will ultimately prevail. I’m doubting it now. The DOJ seems unfixable. How much evidence is needed before they declare laws were broken and this is who did it?

  4. If no knock raids were good enough for Manafort. Was he going to flush 20 years of records that every bank he used would also have?

    Like Epstein, the government has a stable of unsavory actors to entrap threats to the status quo. They let them roam free for the service they provide.

    Epstein, Whitey Bulger, Halper, etc.

    How are they not in jail? Because they are cinfidential informants and they have to be on the street to do their dirt.

  5. “…the Durham investigators have now obtained an audio-taped deposition…”

    I like Barr for the time being, I like that he is appearing to move on this. I don’t like the vague narrative of the announcement of this ‘recorded deposition.’
    They ‘obtained’ it. Other reports say they ‘got’ it. No where does anyone say they themselves conducted the deposition. Nor do they say when, where, or who it was done by. Who conducted this- was this another ‘investigation,’ similar to having crowdstrike analyze clinton’s computers? mifsud apparently ‘talked’ with fbi in 2017, and maybe again in 2018. I don’t know that either event was a sworn testimony. Is this deposition a recording of that? If that is the case, the investigation had a different center at that time, and what he then said would have had a different relevance. He needs to be sworn in now, and asked questions that pertain to what is now known, and that done by persons other than those who would have ‘talked’ with him in the past events. And ask him about mi6.
    I think this whole stinking mess is so encompassing, nationally and internationally, that to reveal it totally would collapse people’s faith in our government, if not the government itself.
    Open the can or worms, please, and ‘obtain’ justice.
    ‘Do it for the children.’


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