Audit: No evidence that FirstEnergy’s $168M-per-year grid modernization fee was used for intended purpose – IOTW Report

Audit: No evidence that FirstEnergy’s $168M-per-year grid modernization fee was used for intended purpose

MSN: COLUMBUS, Ohio — FirstEnergy Corp. collected hundreds of millions of dollars from utility customers in the name of using it to modernize its electric grid. But a new state-commissioned audit found no evidence that the money led the Akron-based utility to spend more on grid modernization.

The audit, released Friday by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, also found that FirstEnergy didn’t track how the money collected under its “distribution modernization rider” (or DMR) was spent, so auditors couldn’t tell whether any of it was spent on lobbying for the scandal-ridden House Bill 6 or increasing dividend payments to investors.

A prominent consumer advocacy group, however, is questioning whether this audit is tamer than a previous probe by a different auditing firm into the fee — noting that in 2020, FirstEnergy’s CEO at the time claimed that then-PUCO Chair Sam Randazzo (whom FirstEnergy has admitted to bribing) succeeded in preventing that firm from issuing a final report with harsher recommendations. more

14 Comments on Audit: No evidence that FirstEnergy’s $168M-per-year grid modernization fee was used for intended purpose

  1. I often wonder what things would look like if we stopped paying taxes. We’re not getting anything wonderful from that place in the District of Columbia. Why do we keep paying the bills for it?

    And BTW: Why haven’t the commies changed the name of the nation’s capitol yet? I thought Columbus was ground zero for all things oppressed.

  2. “Crooks are everywhere, not just in Congress”

    But the crooks are facilitated by Congress, the White Hut, the Supremes, the State Assemblies, the State Governors, the State Senates, right on down to the County Commissioners. Politicians are the crooks behind the crooks, enabling and protecting the crooks.
    (preaching to the choir)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They bribed government officials a few year back to get laws which exclusively benefited them on the books in Ohio. And now this. First Energy’s Management are criminals.
    Enough, arrested, try, and convicted them, throw away the key!

  4. “First Energy’s Management are criminals.”
    So are the bribed politicians.

    Corruption should be punishable by death – at least there’d be no recidivism.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The first thing any large organization does is PAY THEMSELVES.

    That is the single biggest reason schools are always falling apart no matter how much money you send. Same with Public Transit, same with Public electrical utilities.

    Private Schools
    Enbridge, TC Energy, Fortis Energy – a natural gas utilities
    Private Transportation

  6. @Chickity China the Chinese Chicken January 15, 2022 at 8:22 am

    > Enough, arrested, try, and convicted them, throw away the key!

    By the people (their children, their lodge brothers, their domestic partners) that cash the bribes? I’m sure they’ll (all) get right on that.

  7. @Tim – FJB January 15, 2022 at 8:59 am

    > Corruption should be punishable by death – at least there’d be no recidivism.

    And it would prove our Western cultural advancement.

    Unlike those filthy, commie chinks. Or inbred, towelhead taliban.


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