Aussie National Rugby Team Refuses to Kneel Before BLM – IOTW Report

Aussie National Rugby Team Refuses to Kneel Before BLM


Australia’s national rugby team decided, after a unanimous vote by the players, it would not take a knee in support of the Black Lives Matter, insisting they were not interested in making political statements.

Coach Dave Rennie said they had discussed the idea of kneeling during the national anthem before voting against it.

The move makes them the first Australian national sporting team to do so.

But Australia will wear a new “First Nation” jersey for the contest, Sky Sports reported. More

14 Comments on Aussie National Rugby Team Refuses to Kneel Before BLM

  1. Good on them!

    Just remember that Australia has some of the toughest restrictions on COVID-1984 and has been fining people very severely.

    Rebel Media’s Australian reporters are really exposing the State. I would not be surprised if they find some reason to “inquire” about this non capitulation.

  2. “…You run the risk that a few (viewers) would just turn off. They don’t want to see politics in national sport.”

    “That’s a real risk. I think it could be divisive…”

    Ya think??!!

    It’s time to reign in the massive inflated egos of celebrity athletes and entertainers, and let them know that they are paid to provide a diversion from our daily lives – NOT to impose their uninformed dumbass political opinions on the fans who pay their salary.

  3. Yes, well, in the article it said they are wearing “First Nations jerseys to honor their indigenous people” as their priority not necessarily because they don’t want to ‘honor’ BLM. So, they are still making it political in a sense, but for the Aborigines not BLM. Why can’t athletes and entertainers just do their job of entertaining and leave that stuff out of it?!

  4. @RadioMattM

    There is a “Land Bridge Theory” that claims they crossed over from what is now Russia & through Alaska thousands of years ago. Apparently, The 2 continents were connected by a Frozen Ice Bridge.

    But then we had global warming that went parabolic after man invented fire and stared eating dinosaurs.

    If only we had an Ancient Green New Deal…

    So, Ancient Commies?


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