Austin Gents Getting the Snip to Prove They’re Hip with Abortion – IOTW Report

Austin Gents Getting the Snip to Prove They’re Hip with Abortion

PJ Media

Calling it an “act of love,” some men are getting vasectomies in protest of Texas’ restrictive new abortion law, upheld earlier this month by the U.S. Supreme Court. More

24 Comments on Austin Gents Getting the Snip to Prove They’re Hip with Abortion

  1. The Supreme Court has not upheld a thing regarding that law. They simply said “Come back to us when there is case. We will not pre-emptively block a law that has not not affected anyone yet.”

    Besides, if those “men” want to go f**king around then it is about time they took some responsibility for it.

  2. i should know better than to use an iPhone to post on this website. It’s beyond frustrating. between apple and this stupid website with the cat videos and other dancing baloney, it totally mucks up my comments.

    I did not type ‘Italy Borat’. I guess ‘itsy bitsy’ is unknown to apple or something.

  3. My mother had a standard reply to this type of behaviour:
    “Cut off your nose to spite your face.”
    She would be absolutely shocked at what Progs are cutting off these days.
    Spite is a powerful drug.

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