Austin: Police Union Puts Up Billboards Warning Travelers to “Enter At Your Own Risk” – IOTW Report

Austin: Police Union Puts Up Billboards Warning Travelers to “Enter At Your Own Risk”

Fox News

Texas police group has put up billboards on Austin city limits warning drivers that the city had cut its police budget.

“Warning! Austin defunded police. Enter at your own risk!” one of the boards reads. “Limited support next 20 miles,” another sign reads.

The Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA), the largest police group in the state, said it released the #BacktheBlue billboards “to raise public awareness that Austin is a defunded city.” More

19 Comments on Austin: Police Union Puts Up Billboards Warning Travelers to “Enter At Your Own Risk”

  1. Bah. The police have brought suit multiple times to assert that they have no duty to protect the citizenry, they have won bigly twice (SC big). The police are not there to protect you, they are there to issue tickets and to build their pension.

  2. “In August, the city of Austin announced it would be the latest city to divert funding from its police department. The City Council unanimously approved a proposal to cut the police budget by $150 million, about 34 percent of its current total, and reinvest in other resources.

    Of that $150 million, $21 million would be invested in emergency medical services, domestic violence shelters and programs for the homeless.”

    .. nice self-fulfilling prophecy there, guys.

    Cutting the Police means you’re going to NEED more emergency medical services, have more domestic violence, and see an explosion in homelessness after all the businesses leave, so it ALMOST makes sense.

    …of course, since none of these things exist in a vacuum, your EMS won’t work because no one’s going to be doing scene protection for them or controlling and ending the violence before they get there, plus you’re going to have more people dead because EMS will be strained to the breaking point and you won’t have cops as first responders giving CPR, administering Narcan, pulling people out of burning cars, etc., ALL of which they formerly did, even for Black people. You’re going to have to give EMS hazard pay because it’s MUCH more dangerous this way, and even THEN you’re going to have drugs and supplies stolen from ambulances, even ambulances stolen, and your medics beaten up because “they looked like cops”, but aren’t trained and equipped to DEFEND themselves like cops. Hence, even at higher pay, you’re gonna have TROUBLE finding folks to do that job.

    Domestic violence will soar once word gets around the cops will be slow to respond, if they EVER do, and will be few in number if they DO respond, and so easy to overpower. Domestic violence us one of the MOST dangerous calls for a cop, because emotions are high, and the abuse is just as likely to jump on your back as the abuser to protect their meal ticket. Also, quick police arrival can mean the difference between a living and a dead abuse victim, and slow response gives more time for abusers to escape, gaslight their victims, threaten them, or rape them as they see fit, if they don’t murder them accidentally or on purpose while waiting. And once boyfriend beats up baby momma, he then turns to the kids that he never liked anyway…

    …EMS can’t help out. They already got jumped two calls ago (see above).

    And homeless? Again, once it gets out that businesses can’t protect their employees or customers, no one’s gonna want to do business there, so they’ll take their jobs and head for less “socially aware” climes. This will make it hard for locals to feed themselves or pay rent, the decline in payroll taxes combined with people not paying property taxes will make social services harder to come by even WITHOUT the explosion in homelessnes, and so they will turn to crime and theft, even of copper pipe and wiring out of abandoned buildings to survive, causing more people who can (e.g. productive, taxpaying people) to leave, thus entropy spirals ever downwards…

    …these folks will have massive crime problems in their camps, too, mosty personal crimes like assault, battery, rape, and murder, since they don’t have a lot to steal, and you won’t have no cops to deal with it, and EMS can’t help because THEY got jumped 3 calls ago (see above), which is too bad because of the endemic health and drug abuse and insanity problems endemic to the homeless as well.

    So it’s a stupid idea poorly thought out and badly executed that will do NOTHING but wreck the place up further and cause MORE lives, ESPECIALLY Black lives, to be lost.

    It’s SO stupid that a liberal like Mark Hamill can voice it best for you…


  3. @SNS ~ your scenario is exactly what the ‘progressives’ strive for … the more chaos, the better. it doesn’t matter how much misery, suffering & death that is created … they will use their created anarchy to threaten & control the people

    we are nothing more than ‘the masses’, the ‘prols’, in another time … we are nothing to them … nothing more than serfs, peasants, masses to be controlled for their reward & benefit

    how dare you complain!

  4. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ SEPTEMBER 12, 2020 AT 11:01 PM
    ‘…we’re getting to the Mad Max phase ‘

    …actually, Mad Max would be PREFERABLE.

    …at least in THAT universe, you can shoot BACK…

  5. Blink
    SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 AT 1:38 AM

    …if I’m a cop in 2020 in a garden spot like Compton, CA, home of rappers and thugs, I think I would have just a WEE bit more situational awareness than that…

  6. @ SNS – Soooo, you are going to blame the deputies for being shot in the head. Not the POS shooter? Not the fork in the road I would have taken and ran down at ‘What Happened Here’ junction.

    Given current climate if the deputies had put the POS down before he fired the first shot. Probably today the deputies would be labeled as extreme racist, and the metro station would be on fire. But they would be alive, and healthy.

  7. Blink SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 AT 12:56 PM
    “@ SNS – Soooo, you are going to blame the deputies for being shot in the head. Not the POS shooter? Not the fork in the road I would have taken and ran down at ‘What Happened Here’ junction.

    Given current climate if the deputies had put the POS down before he fired the first shot. Probably today the deputies would be labeled as extreme racist, and the metro station would be on fire. But they would be alive, and healthy.”

    They are trained and experienced adults who are fully aware what kind of environment they are operating in. They were not at home or at the station, they were at a public transit station fully exposed to people who rap about killing them as a hobby. No, I am not blaming them for some fucknut shooting them out of the blue, but I AM blaming them for losing their situational awareness and going Condition White in an environemnt that CLEARLY does not support that.

    I’ve been in one dangerous occupation or another my entire adult life. If I were to get injured as a result of a welding fire because I did not move flammible materials away from where I’m welding, sustain a high-voltage shock because I didn’t look at where I was putting my hand when I leaned into an electrical panel, or got smacked in the head by a diabetic who is a known puncher after reviving them, that’s on ME for not maintaing my awareness of the situation and using my knowlege of known and recognized hazards in the envrionment I am operating in.

    Not saying they deserved to be shot.

    Just saying they have some culpability in their own occupational injury for clearly disregarding their work envrionment that they were trained to operate in.

    It’s a dangerous world out there.

    And its on YOU to mitigate the danger that YOU face to the greatest extent possible.

    True for me.

    True for you.

    True for them.

    Don’t lose your situational awareness on ANY job.

    Were they alert to the situation or moving as they should have been, or even better out of the car and looking around, this would have been much less likely to happen.

    I’m not a cop and I know how difficult it is to fight in a car.

    That’s why they should move or get out in a hostile environment.

    And I don’t think there’s any one in America who would say that Compton California in 2020 especially is a hostile envionment to LEO.

    Just sayin.

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