Austin Threatens to Deploy Troops If Ukraine Funding Ends – IOTW Report

Austin Threatens to Deploy Troops If Ukraine Funding Ends


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would “very likely” lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe.

“If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger, after Austin and other senior Biden administration officials briefed House lawmakers on their request for more aid for Ukraine. More

24 Comments on Austin Threatens to Deploy Troops If Ukraine Funding Ends

  1. The old Domino theory made more sense when there was a Soviet Union openly planning on World Domination. Now the question is how many Russian nationals live in each of those countries.

  2. Funny how you show him in that mask. It sure seems like the mask is coming off now.

    This plodding nincompoop is actually extorting “arms for hostages”, with the hostages being Americans who joined a military which no longer exists. This thuggery, in tandem with the hysterical predictions of a Trump dictatorship and dark hints of his assassination, should be setting off alarms throughout the land, but America just seems to be shuffling, like its President, towards the abyss.

  3. Just another paid shill. A slave to the swamp.
    Biden Defense Pick to Get Up to $1.7 Million From Raytheon Role

    “He also pledges to fight to rid the department of “racists and extremists.”

    “February 2, 2021 – Austin dismisses hundreds of members of 42 Pentagon advisory boards, as the Pentagon announces a review of the boards’ memberships. Those members, appointed by the Pentagon, include late appointments by the Donald Trump administration.”

  4. He’s a dumb fuck, and equally corrupt. Let’s see him TRY and send US troops to Ukraine: let’s see all these Gen Zs – or whatever the fuck they call themselves – fight a war abroad.

  5. Does this clueless fool wear that stupid mask because he’s an idiot or because he’s ashamed of himself? Good gawd, what an embarrassment. He’d do the country a huge favor by getting all his covid shots and boosters.

  6. 27 October; Biden sent $150 million of arms and equipment authorized under previously directed drawdowns for Ukraine.
    The United States has committed more than “$44.5 billion” in security assistance to Ukraine since
    the beginning of the Biden Administration.

    With all the lies coming from the Biden Administration I suspect the Total Dollar amount is far greater.

    The US already has Boots on the ground in Ukraine ans have has for months.

  7. “If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he’ll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX)

    … seems like Lloyd ain’t the only one wanting to keep the taxpayer money spigot tapped wide open … a lot of RINO’s washing their hands under that faucet too … right Little Lyndsey?

  8. ‘Roid Austin should gear up, fly over, and lead the charge, if he’s so damned enthusiastic about sending American’s resources & young men to someone else’s war.
    Fucking coward & hypocrite.

  9. Austin’s a stooge who repeats what he’s told – sort of like a retarded parrot.
    Or a “Chatty Cathy.”

    The Soviet Union jettisoned the Baltics, Ukraine, Belarus, and the rest of that shit because they were a drag on Russia’s economy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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