Australia Election – COVID Knucklehead Scott Morrison Out, Climate Change Knucklehead Anthony Albanese In – IOTW Report

Australia Election – COVID Knucklehead Scott Morrison Out, Climate Change Knucklehead Anthony Albanese In

CTH: After allowing the various state premiers to brutalize the citizens in each of the states with catastrophic COVID restrictions, mandates and compliance regulations, the conservative Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, has lost his feeble attempt to win reelection.

Australia has replaced Morrison with Labour party candidate Anthony Albanese. The COVID dictator is out, and the Climate-Change dictator is now installed. Good luck Australia. more

8 Comments on Australia Election – COVID Knucklehead Scott Morrison Out, Climate Change Knucklehead Anthony Albanese In

  1. “Australia has replaced Morrison with Labour party candidate Anthony Albanese. The COVID dictator is out, and the Climate-Change dictator is now installed.”

    Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  2. Anthony Albanese.

    A mobster with the Australian Mafia? I would never vote for a guy with that name.

    Now Aaron Aardvark…that’s different – I’d vote for him.

  3. Soon to be replaced by the monkeypox knucklehead.

    Climate Change is the background permanent crisis which serves as the placeholder crisis after an old current crisis is spent, and until a new current crisis emerges to take the reins for a while. You’re on in five, monkeypox.


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