Australia! Now With Flesh Eating Sea Lice – IOTW Report

Australia! Now With Flesh Eating Sea Lice

If the super venomous snakes and spiders or the man eating saltwater crocs and great white sharks (not to mention the deadly blue ring octopus) don’t get you…   A  young Australian is in the hospital after being feasted upon by sea lice after just wading around on a Melbourne beach.


24 Comments on Australia! Now With Flesh Eating Sea Lice

  1. My ex-wife is on her period. I’ll attach her alimony payment to my remote controlled boat and she can chase after it.

    Ooooo, almost got it that time, keep trying!

  2. There is something about the Southern Hemisphere that has always been unappealing to me. Africa? No. South America? No. I always thought Australia and New Zealand would be cool. Just changed my mind.

  3. There was a show in Australlia Called “Henry Butler in The Wild”, if He Saw an Old Tree Trunk He’d Reach His Hands in and Pull a Venemous Snake out. He Would See a Pond, Take off His Nutter Butter Shorts and Jump in wearing his Tidy Whities and Catch a Huge Snapping Turtle. Its From The 70s !!!

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