Australia Poised To Put Pedophiles Behind Bars For Years – IOTW Report

Australia Poised To Put Pedophiles Behind Bars For Years

After a string of recent pedophile ring bust earlier this year (here, here and here) Australia’s parliament is preparing to pass major reform to their sentencing guidelines that makes jail time mandatory for a number of sexual crimes against children . More

24 Comments on Australia Poised To Put Pedophiles Behind Bars For Years

  1. Conservative cowgirl
    JUNE 11, 2020 AT 6:33 PM
    “There’s only one way to fix them and it isn’t prison…”

    ..amen, CC.

    You can’t reform them.

    You can’t save them.

    You can’t reason with them.

    You can only kill them.

  2. SNS: Back in the ‘80’s I think it was, someone raped and murder two brothers age around 10-12. He was given the death penalty. He told his attorneys that he wanted no appeal. He knew he would do it again if he got out.

  3. ^^^yep, had one tell me that once too, when I was transporting him under escort to the hospital after someone on-scene lumped him up.

    Idiot was proud of it, too.

    Thought I couldn’t say anything because, confidentiality.

    I wasn’t a doctor.

    He was wrong…

  4. I think they should be among the first to volunteer for brain transplant surgery. In order to be a true trans sexual, you must have a brain from the opposite sex implanted in your male body and vice versa.
    Not just some plumbing changes.

  5. ^^^ even if you did that, you wouldn’t even be CLOSE. There ARE significant, observable wiring differences between male and female brains, true…but it doesn’t stop THERE, either. Bone density, skin tugor, blood vessel resilience, muscle mass development, differences in structural shapes, nerve wiring, hormone generation, visual acuity…these things, and more, are very different between male and female, it’s so far beyond what can be sewed on and cut off that the whole IDEA of transgender is biologically preposterous even from a NATURE standpoint. And, considering that NUTURE mostly plays to the strengths of the male or female physical body, then adding them TOGETHER makes the very concept absolutely LUDICROUS…

    …but you can’t transplant liberal brains anyway. Biggest problem? Can’t FIND ’em…

  6. RadioMattM, that would’ve been Wesley Allen Dodd a young punk from the Vancouver Wash. area. I’ve never forgotten that, he kidnapped 2 young boys from a theater and then raped them and killed them. After he was caught he told the authorities that he was evil and if they ever let him out that he would do it again, his scumbag attorneys tried to get him off as being insane but he wasn’t buying it and he had to go over their heads to get the state to execute him which they did after a year or two. Some people are just plain evil and he knew that he was one of them. I remember Readers Digest having an article about his case.

  7. I looked it up to refresh my memory it was in the 1990’s, he actually murdered and raped 3 boys and was caught attempting to kidnap a 6 year year old boy. The state of Washington hung him in the mid 90’s and he was the first person to be executed by hanging in the US since 1965. Like I said some people are so evil that they deserve to be hung and he was one of them.

  8. Pedophiles love to brag and give details about their conquests. No, nothing short of a real miracle, can rehab them. Many luny psych types have tried. Noway should any actual pedos be allowed to be freed.

    What does need change is the idiotic classifying of an 18 – 21 year old being lumped into the sex offender classification if he and a 15 – 17 year old Lolita do a willing duet. That classification makes light of the real sex offenders.

  9. Don’t forget that the “normalization” of pedophilia was brought to the U.S. courtesy of Kinsey & Playboy who was one of the funders of Alfred Kinsey “investigative research.”

  10. Lets get Prince Andrew and then Their sickness Network will get exposed. Even the DoJ is wondering WTF.

    I know, I know…the Crown is protecting that prick.

    But, the Crown is crumbling.

  11. There’s no cure.
    Kill them. It’s the only way to save them and society.
    The little ones who suffer will never be right.

    What we tolerate, we get.
    Same in Australia.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. OH! After Jesse Dirkhising was raped and murdered by a couple of fags, the fag community said that it wasn’t a “homosexual issue.”

    How’s that work?

    If ONE white cop murders ONE negro – ALL cops are evil?
    But TWO adult fags rape and murder ONE little boy?

    izlamo delenda est …


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