Australia: Unprecedented Surveillance Bill Rushed Through Parliament In 24 Hours – IOTW Report

Australia: Unprecedented Surveillance Bill Rushed Through Parliament In 24 Hours

Judge’s warrant not necessary.

13 Comments on Australia: Unprecedented Surveillance Bill Rushed Through Parliament In 24 Hours

  1. “Parliament”? More like Poliburo. Or National People’s Congress, as it were. Australia is primping so as to be most desirable when they yield gently to China on their wedding night.

  2. Thirdtwin SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 AT 9:45 AM
    ,“Parliament”? More like Poliburo. Or National People’s Congress, as it were.’

    …”Reichstag” would work here too…

  3. @ Uncle Al ʘ

    A warrant is still necessary under this legislation but instead of a superior court judge, which would involve producing verifiable probable cause, a warrant could be issued by a member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, which to me sounds suspiciously like our “put anything in front of me and I’ll sign it” FISA courts.

    Here is what’s interesting, through out all the “War on Terror” years where a legitimate threat of another 9/11 coming from Muslim losers was thought to be imminent, even then the very basics of our civil liberties were still considered sacrosanct. But now, faced with the threat that some folks think for themselves, don’t trust the prevailing science and want a say in what they put in their bodies, e.g. experimental vaccines, now they feel the need to pull out the heavy guns and go full police state.


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