Australian 60 Minutes Episode Explores Sweden’s “No-Go” Zones – IOTW Report

Australian 60 Minutes Episode Explores Sweden’s “No-Go” Zones

They aren’t out of the car 2 minutes when a carload of Muslims runs into the cameraman.

full episode after the jump


8 Comments on Australian 60 Minutes Episode Explores Sweden’s “No-Go” Zones

  1. Sweden let in the entire population of Fort Lauderdale to a country barely more populated than twice the size of Los Angeles and everything was suppose to go swimmingly. Why would there be any other outcome? Generous isn’t exactly the word I would use, especially in reference to their organic grown citizens.

  2. LMAO. Despite reports of hostility, she probably went there to provide cover and do a puff piece on how friendly these animals are. Freaking morons won’t ever learn. Unfortunately, this is coming to a city near you. I love the person on the scooter ramming into one of the aggressors. Too bad he wasn’t in a truck.

  3. Worthless, tit-sucking parasites with no jobs, no skills, no money, no education, no motivation, can’t speak the language, have no regard for people…
    Gee Wally, whutever possessed the Swedes to turn their country into a human septic tank for turds like this?

  4. Did anyone notice how fast the locals were able to respoind to the incursion into their territory? They obviously have observers on post to make sure no one from the official swedish government or even any Whaite people come into their territory. Also, they have learned some media handling skills. Notice how fast these interlopers turn violent and begin to attack the newscrew? Their mistake was in how intense their reaction was. They thought only displaying a token display of force would make the whaite people leave. I guess the next time they will be more thorough.

    The second thing I saw was the lack of a real reaction from the “journalist”. Her associates were being attacked and she did not think it was necessary for her to get upset. Now what would happen if she was in say, South Carolina or Louisiana and witnessed a black family being harrassed by some white people or a black woman being raped by a white guy. Do you think that journalist would be so composed? I mean we are expected to be slaughtered and not give a bleat of complaint about this. It makes me sick.

    Finally, this video makes the argument for the second amendment. This is why individuals need their own firearms for self-defense. If you think a gun-free zone works, just ask Carl Rowan, formerly of the Washington Post.

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  1. Silence is Consent | [VIDEO] Migrants (very likely Muslim) attack Australian 60 Minutes crew in Sweden

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